Obtain Mythril (Final Fantasy 2 Pixel Remaster – Walkthrough 2)


Warning: contains spoilers

This is a Final Fantasy II Pixel Remaster walkthrough article.


After Minwu joins your party, it is easier to level up your party than before. It is a good idea to level up for a while.




  1. Go northeast from Altair. You can go to Paloom town by canoe
  2. Go to Poft town from Paloom
  3. Talk to Cid in the Pub of the Palm town
  4. Learn Airship during the talk





  1. Go Northwest and then enter Salamand town
  2. Talk to Josef in the house of the northeast
  3. Ask Wild Rose and Mythril to him



Semitt Falls

Semitt Falls

  1. Go west from Salamand town. You can see the river. Then, get on your canoe and go east
  2. Go down the cave
  3. There are Salamand’s town people in the room on the third basement floor. Talk to Paul
  4. Defeat Sergeant on the fifth basement floor
  5. Obtain Mythril in the treasure chest
  6. Go out of the cave
  7. Go back to Altair
PointThe sergeant is the first boss of this game. He is so weak. No need to be afraid.


Bafsk town


  1. Talk to Hilda and show Mithril
  2. Talk to Tobul. You can buy Mithril weapons and armors
  3. Go to Bafsk town
  4. Talk to Sargeant at the southwest of the town and ask Wild Rose to him
  5. Go down the stair
  6. Go through the cave
  7. Talk to Dark knight
  8. After the event, obtain the pass in the room of the cave



Poft town


  1. Go to Poft town
  2. Talk to Cid and ask Airship and learn Sunfire
  3. Go back to Altair
PointBefore going back to Altair, you should level up your party members. Minwu can use many white magics such as cure, life, and blink. The enemies are stronger from now on.



King of Fynn

  1. Talk to Hilda, and then Minwu left the party
  2. Talk to the king of the Fynn in the east room of the hideout
  3. Ask Sunfire to the king and learn Goddess’s Bell
PointI recommend that you level up party members before talking to Hilda.

Next: Blowing up Dreadnought