Keywords – Final Fantasy 2 Pixel Remaster
This is the key term list of the Final Fantasy 2 pixel remaster version.
Key Terms
Wild Rose | The insignia of the Kingdom of Fynn. The rebels also use it as their password. |
Mythril | A magical metal. Josef of Salamand has been searching for its source. |
Airship | A vessel build by Cid of Poft. |
Dreadnought | A massive, heavily amed airship under construction in Bafsk. |
Sunfire | The symbol of Kashuan. Its flame still burns on the ground floor of the keep. |
Goddess’ Bell | The key to the gates of Kashuan Keep |
Dragoons | Dragon knights of Deist. They can speak the tongue of the wyverns. |
Wyverns | Flying dragoons that fight as a unit with the dragoons. |
Mask | An artifact used to enter the Mysidian Tower. Two masks are needed to break the seal. |
Ekmet Teloess | An incantation that opens a door leading underground. |
Mysidia | A land found on a continent far to the south. Books filled with the secrets of this world can be found there. |
Ultima Tome | A book containing the ultimate magic. It is said the magic will be released when the world is in peril. It lies enshrined within the Mysidian Tower. |
Cyclone | A storm controlled by the emperor’s magic. |
Palamecia | The domain of the emperor. He rules from Castle Palamecia, a stronghold far to the south of Kashuan. |
Jade Passege | The passage by which the beasts of Hell are said to have entered the world. |