Elbert – Mercenaries Blaze


Elbert - Mercenaries Blaze


Warning: contains spoilers

The article contains spoilers of the Mercenaries Blaze.



Elbert’s class is as below.

  • Archer
  • Bowman
  • Seeker
  • Bow Master
  • Conquistador
  • Sentinel
  • Agent


Blaze Exceed

Rare Hunter Rare item drop if enemy is defeated. BP3, Range 3-5, Scope 1




Charge Arrow Strong bow attack Lv1: MP7
Lv8: MP14
Poison Shot Poison arrow attack. DMG+PSN Lv1: MP5
Lv8, MP12
Aim Steady aim. HIT+15 Lv1: HIT+15
Lv8: HIT+75
Evade Arrow AVD+ against bows and guns Lv1: AVD+50
Lv8: AVD+120
INT Increase [Psv] When close RNG attacked AVD+  Lv1: AVD+15
Lv8: AVD+50




Flame Arrow Attacks with flaming ammunition Lv1: MP10
Lv8: MP22
Aim Foot Leg attack. DMG+slow Lv1: MP10
Lv8, MP18
Body Blow Body blow. DMG+Knockback Lv1: MP6, Range 1-1, Scope 1
Lv8: MP15, Range 1-1, Scope 1
Abandon Prepare for next attack. AVD+ Lv1: AVD+15
Lv8: AVD+50
DEX Increase [Passive] DEX+ Lv1: DEX+5
Lv8: DEX+30




Disarm Strike away weapon. DMG&ATK – Lv1: MP6, ATK-10%
Lv8: MP16, ATK-25%
Throw Knife Attack by throwing a knife Lv1: MP6
Lv8: MP13
Fasten Inc. MOV for limited time Lv1: MP18
Lv8: MP8
Herbalism HP+100&heals PSN/SLW/BLI/SIL Lv1: MP5, HP+20 and heals Poison
Lv8: MP12, HP+100&heals PSN/SLW/BLI/SIL
Vigilance [Passive] Lowers back and side damage



Bow Master

Shadow Weaving Leg attack. Damage+slow Lv1: MP25
Lv8: MP42
Ultra Drow Next ATK: ATK&CRT+ Lv1: +20% ATK, +5% CRT
Lv8, +35% ATK, +15% CRT
Arrow Rain Make arrows rain from the sky Lv1: MP22
Lv8: MP40
Follow Me A cry to raise morale. HIT&AGI+ Lv1: MP26, HIT+20, AGI+25
Lv8: MP43, HIT+40, AGI+45
Concentrate [Passive] HIT+ Lv1: HIT+5
Lv8: HIT+30




Blind hit Low AIM but high damage Lv1: MP12
Lv8: MP19
Laser Bolt Attacks with electrical ammunition Lv1: MP20
Lv8, MP38
Tailwind … Come to me …. Wind! AGI+ Lv1: AGI+25
Lv8: AGI+65
Unlock Remove treasure’s trap and open Lv1: MP16
Lv8: MP1
Bravado [Passive] ATK+ when HP 100% Lv1: ATK+3% when HP 100%
Lv8: ATK+10% when HP 100%




Hide Unable to be targeted for 1 turn Lv1: MP20
Lv8: MP13
Flash Bomb Blinds enemy Lv1: MP19
Lv8: MP29
WargroundHeal Heal +  Lv1: Heal 60HP + PSN
Lv8: Heal 180HP + PSN/SLW/BLI/SIL
Body Double Give all personal aggro to a specified ally Lv1:MP25, Range 1-2
Lv8: MP20, Range 1-5
Swift Foot [Passive] +MOV when HP under % Lv1: MOV+1 when HP under 10%
Lv8: MOV+2 when HP under 30%




Artilley Sup. Attack with artillery support Lv1: MP43
Lv8: MP65
Accept Final blow=mag-item more common Lv1: MP7
Lv8, MP18
Deceive Confuse an enemy with false info Lv1: MP20
Lv8: MP32
Haggle [Passive] items are cheaper
Finagle [Passive] Items sell for more