Sovereign – Etrian Odyssey III HD


There are twelve classes in Etrian Odyssey III HD. I’ll show you the Sovereign among these classes.


Sovereign is a versatile class that can give them an advantage in battle. They can fulfill various roles depending on how they are raised. Their HP and TP are high, and they can equip almost any armor. While their VIT can be easily increased, their STR tends to grow slowly. The Sovereign excels in providing support to the party, with a variety of skills that provide advantages in battle.



Skill Type Requirements Description
Royal Lineage Class This royalty skill regains TP with each new enhancement received.
Royal Veil Passive All allies will recover HP if your HP is maxed at the turn’s end.
Triumphant Cry Passive Royal Veil Lv.5 All allies will recover HP if you are alive at the end of the battle.
Monarch March Passive Triumphant Cry Lv.5 It recovers HP with each step by singing gallant military songs.
Nobility Proof Passive Your TP will recover when an enhancement spell’s effect ends.
Nobility Proof Lv.1 It dispels all enhancement spells on one ally to recover their HP.
Inspire Nobility Proof Lv.3 It dispels all stat decreases on one row and recover their TP.
Knighthood Support Nobility Proof Lv.5 The specified ally will act first this turn.
Attack Order
One row of allies’ attack power will be increased for three turns.
Guard Order One row of allies’ defense will be increased for three turns.
Fire Arms
Attack Order Lv.1
It enchants one ally’s weapon with fire for three turns.
Freeze Arms It enchants one ally’s weapon with ice for three turns.
Shock Arms It enchants one ally’s weapon with voltage for three turns.
Regal Radiance Support Attack Order Lv.3 It dispels a weapon’s enchantments to deal damage to all enemies.
Reinforce Passive Guard Order Lv.1 After casting an enhancement spell on an ally, they will recover HP.
Ad Nihilo Support Attack Order Lv.5
Guard Order Lv.5
It dispels all enhancements on one enemy, deals non-elemental damage.
Prevent Order Support Guard Order Lv.3 One row of allies will gain ailment protection for 3 turns.
Rally Order Support Guard Order Lv.5 One row of allies will gain increased max HP for three turns.
Protect Order Support Rally Order Lv.5 For three turns, one row of allies will gain HP when a turn ends.