Staves (Weapon Skill / Battle Skill): Romancing Saga Minstrel Song Remastered


Warning: contains spoilers

The article contains spoilers of Romancing Saga Minstrel Song Remastered.

Staves (Weapon Skill / Battle Skill)

This article will be divided into three modes.

  • Attack Mode
  • Defense Mode
  • Trick Mode


Attack Mode

Name Power BP Cost DP Cost Status Note Japanese
Crush 106 0 0 STR The basic technique for the club and staff. 順手打ち
Blitz 635 11 3 AGI A strike of blistering speed. Quick recovery. 電光石火
Crushing Hit 475 6 4 STR A mighty horizontal blow ハードヒット
Cruncher 418 9 1 STR Charge the enemy and deliver a bruising strike. Sometimes decreases Vitality (VIT). 痛打
Vertical Smash 402 8 6 STR Jump and put all your weight behind your strike into the enemy. かぶと割り


Defense Mode

Name Power BP Cost DP Cost Status Note Japanese
Crush 106 0 0 STR The basic technique for the club and staff. 順手打ち
Spin Thust 337 4 1 DEX Spin your weapon once and then stab the enemy with a flick of your wrist. 返し突き
Knee Split 94 4 1 STR Attack your enemy’s legs to restrict their actions. Sometimes stuns. なぎ払い
Bonecrusher 251 7 2 STR A strike to the enemy’s arm. Sometimes decreases Strength (STR). 骨砕き
Good Timing 291 6 1 STR Time your strike to land it perfectly. Quick recovery. 合わせ打ち
Leaf Shaker 470 10 2 STR Strike with such speed that falling leaves would be sliced in half before they touched the ground. 木の葉落とし
Aqua Luna 970 15 3 STR Strike with such precision that the moon’s reflection in the water would not be disturbed. Sometimes damages LP. ウォータームーン
Reaper 310 8 6 STR Utilize your weapon’s reach to strike a wide area. Sometimes stuns. スウィング


Trick Mode

Name Power BP Cost DP Cost Status Note Japanese
Crush 106 0 0 STR The basic technique for the club and staff. 順手打ち
Time Lapse 220 5 2 STR A feint followed by a downward swing. 一人時間差
Gong Ringer 281 4 3 STR A crushing horizontal blow. Sometimes interferes with casting. どら鳴らし
Running Slash 296 7 1 STR Charge into the enemy and slash through their torso. 払い抜け
Dragon’s Tail 396 9 2 STR Slash down upon your enemy and then slash upwards. 龍尾返し
Time and Tide 970 20 2 AGI A secret technique that sometimes inflicts unconsciousness by attacking weak points. からすとうさぎ
Bending Beat 348 5 3 STR Leap before the enemy and unleash a strike that utilizes your weapon’s flexibility. はじき打ち
Discord 960 16 6 STR A series of close-range strike unleashed in irregular rhythm. 乱調子