Are video games so harmful?


I was bought NES by my mother when I was a child. I was happy that I played video games. Then, my mother restricted me to play for just an hour. My mother believed that video games weakens our sight. So, I played video games not to be known by my mother.

I was into the mighty bomb jack at first. The game was too hard for me. I didn’t clear it, but I had continued to play it without boring then.

Anyway, that’s great that children find the interesting thing. I love video games so I was interested in programming when I was a university student. Thanks to video games, I became a programmer after graduation.

After growing up, there is no more time to play video games than before. My heart does not change. I still love video games. Some people think that video games are so harmful. For sure, it is not a good idea that we played video games too much. As my mother did, we adult might restrict children to play them for a certain time. I don’t know the correct answer. What do you think about the issue?

Except for video games, there are many excellent things in the world. I think all great things are worth it evenly. Because of video games, I am interested in computer science and programming. I gratitude it. In the world, there are people that feel like the same like me.


Columnvideo games

Posted by Max