Etrian Odyssey III HD: Clothes

Etrian Odyssey III HD


Warning: contains spoilers

The article contains spoilers of Etrian Odyssey III HD.


Name Defense Price Slot Material Notes
Summer Tweed 7 70
Scale Jerkin 9 170 Red Scale x1
Chemise 15 240
Poison Hypha x1
Leaf Blazer 18 330
Starry Chase x1
Topaz x5
Kazak 24 780 Shell Piece x1
Sack Dress 27 1,050
Pungent Coral x2
Mist Robe 31 1,450
Thick Throat x3
Kirikaze Gi 32 LUC x2 Oceanic Quest “Tortuga Island” Reward
Red Doublet 34 2,310 Fire x2 Burning Fur x1
Mantle 39 2,980 Ice x2
Dino Calcaneus x1
Caster’s Coat 44 3,540 TEC x1
TP x1
Red Iron Scale x1
Pyrargyrite x3
Bikini Armor 45 9,980 Fire x2
Ice x2
Lightning x2
Queen’s Bulla x1
Gilet 48 4,930
Staunch Feeler x1
Siren Tunic 53 6,660 Head Bind x2
Witch’s Robe x1
Tourita’s Garb 55 TEC x2
TP x2
Oceanic Quest “Trade City of Damavand” Reward
Witch Drawers 58 7,200
Witch’s Robe x4
Serpentinite x5
Spirit Cape 62 8,540 HP x1
TP x1
Dawn Thorn x1
Linen Cuirass 67 10,920
Writhing Wood x3
Aurora Veil 69 12,900 Slashing x1
Piercing x1
Crushing x1
King’s Fur x1
Rabbit Tail x1
Great Coat 71 13,500 Dark Fur x2
Element Cloak 74 18,180 Fire x1
Ice x1
Lightning x1
Ghostly Fur x1
High Jacquard 77 27,480
Thorny Bone x3
Crescent Robe 80 30,200
Blue Tentacle x1
Cursed Bone x1
Abode 84 34,900
Longhorn Hull x3
Chajin Jinbaori 94 206,000 STR x1
AGI x1
HP x1
Ice Skin x1
Orion Epaulets 95 209,800 TEC x2
TP x1
Magic Circuit x1
Beast’s Chain 96 210,000 STR x1
LUC x1
LIM x1
Evil Horn x1
Infernal Scale x1
Dark Attire 97 213,000 AGI x1
LUC x1
SPD x1
Crimson Tail x1