DQ5 Small fry – Dragon Quest V

DQ5 Small fry - Dragon Quest V


Warning: contains spoilers

The article contains spoilers of the Dragon Quest 5.

Small fry

Small fry has a fire-elemental resistance. So, it might be good that the small fry joins your party until the battle of Magman. Also, small fry can drop a seed of life. You might want to defeat it for the seed.



Place Around Coburg
Recruit rate 1/16




Attribute Starting Status Maximum Status
Level 1 30
HP 52 200
MP 0 0
Strength 59 120
Agility 25 95
Resilience 46 60
Wisdom 5 50
Luck 20 80
Exp 0 481,427
Name Resistant Rate
Sap 1
Poison 4/5
Snooze 1
Dazzle 4/5
Fizzle 0
Fuddle 4/5
Paralysis 4/5
Drain Magic 0
Stun 1
Poof 1
Kamikazee 1
Death 4/5
Frizz 1/3
Sizz 1/3
Crack 4/5
Woosh 1
Bang 4/5
Zap 1
Flame Breath 1/3
Ice Breath 4/5



Spell / Skill

Spell / Skill Level 
Fire Breath 1
Sweet Breath 5
Flame Breath 15
Inferno  28




Name Attack Gold Memo
Bone stake 6 10
Stone fangs 12 240
Steel fangas 35 2000
Fire claw 53 4700 When used as a tool in battle, it casts Sizz. Its damage will be multiplied by 1.5 when attacking an enemy with weak against fire-elemental attacks.
Icicle dirk 70 9000 Its damage will be multiplied by 1.5 when attacking an enemy with weak against ice-elemental attacks.




Name Defense Gold Memo
Fur cape 18 550
Iron cuirass 23 1000
Tortoise shell 33 2500
Silver cuirass 40 5000




Name Defense Gold Memo
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Name Defense Gold Memo
Poiny hat 3 70
Shellmet 7 120
Top hat 20 2000
Hermes’ hat 28 5000 It casts Zoom when used as a tool on the field.
Great helm 45 20000




Name Stats Gold Memo
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