Tactics Ogre Reborn – Terror Knight skills


Warning: contains spoilers

The article contains spoilers of Tactics Ogre Reborn.

Terror Knight skills

Level Skill MP RT Range Area Type Note
3 Pincer Attack I Support When an ally attacks at close range, an additional attack is made if the target is behind the attacker. The power of that attack becomes 75%.
3 Fearful Impact 25 +15 1 1 Action Melee weapon attacks have a 100% hit rate and can inflict fear on enemies.
5 Resist Petrify Support Less likely to petrify
5 Resist Charm Support Less likely to become charmed.
5 Rampart Aura I Support When an ally attacks at close range, an additional attack is made if the target is behind the attacker. The power of that attack becomes 75%.
5 Concentration 1 1 Auto A personal boost in magic hit rate is applied.
7 Constitution I Support Max HP +10%
9 Insight I Support Max MP+10%
10 Lament of the Dead I 1 3 Auto Enemies within two surrounding panels are affected by fear. The success rate of this effect increases with rank.
13 Shadow Break 40 +18 5 1 Action
Dispel a Shadow.
16 Rampart Aura II Support Stops the movement of enemies entering 1 square around you and 2 squares on either side (effective up to a height difference of 3)
18 Constitution II Support Max HP +20%
19 Pincer Attack II Support When an ally attacks at close range, an additional attack is made if the target is behind the attacker. The power of that attack becomes 100%.
20 Lament of the Dead II Auto Enemies within two surrounding panels are affected by fear. The success rate of this effect increases with rank.
21 Insight II Support Max MP+20%
30 Lament of the Dead III Auto Enemies within two surrounding panels are affected by fear. The success rate of this effect increases with rank.
33 Steadfast Support Prevents undead from entering 2 square around it (effective up to 4 height differences)
40 Lament of the Dead IV Auto Enemies within two surrounding panels are affected by fear. The success rate of this effect increases with rank.