Tactics Ogre Reborn – Lich skills


Warning: contains spoilers

The article contains spoilers of Tactics Ogre Reborn.

Lich skills

Level Skill MP RT Range Area Type Note
1 Demon’s Pact 25 +15 Action Recruits an Umbra to join your unit.
3 Concentration 1 1 Auto A personal boost in magic hit rate is applied.
3 Meditate I 1 1 Auto Restore MP.  Amount of recovery increases with rank.
5 Resist Petrify Support Less likely to petrify
5 Resist Charm Support Less likely to become charmed.
5 Insight I Support Max MP+10%
8 Salvation 1 3 Auto When own MP is less than 50%: Absorb MP from allies in 2 surrounding panels.
13 Meditate II 1 1 Auto Restore MP.  Amount of recovery increases with rank.
17 Insight II Support Max MP+20%
23 Meditate III 1 1 Auto Restore MP.  Amount of recovery increases with rank.
24 Reflection 1 3 Auto While in the Reflection state, magic is reflected only once, affecting allies in 2 surrounding panels.
25 Engulf I 1 1 Auto The range of the next remote attack or magic is increased by 2
33 Meditate IV 1 1 Auto Restore MP.  Amount of recovery increases with rank.
35 Engulf II 1 1 Auto The range of the next remote attack or magic is increased by 3
45 Nature’s Touch 1 1 Auto Increases the damage of the next magic used.