Tactics Ogre Reborn – Divine Knight skills


Warning: contains spoilers

The article contains spoilers of Tactics Ogre Reborn.

Divine Knight skills

Level Skill MP RT Range Area Type Note
1 Seraph’s Pact 25 +15 Action Recruits a Divine to join your unit.
3 Pincer Attack I Support When an ally attacks at close range, an additional attack is made if the target is behind the attacker. The power of that attack becomes 75%.
4 Poignant Melody 50 +20 1 3 Special Enemies in two surrounding panels are charmed.
5 Resist Petrify Support Less likely to petrify
5 Resist Charm Support Less likely to become charmed.
5 Rampart Aura I Support Stops the movement of enemies who invade 1 square around it (effective up to 3 height differences)
5 Meditate I Support Restore MP.  Amount of recovery increases with rank.
6 Evilsbane Auto Adds increased proximity damage against demons to allies in three surrounding panels
7 Insight I Support Max MP+10%
8 Constitution I Support Max HP +10%
8 Sanctuary I Support Prevents undead from entering 1 square around it (effective up to 4 height differences)
8 Silent Song 50 +20 1 3 Special Silence to enemies in two surrounding panels
11 Rampart Shadow 75 +25 1 1 Action Allows you to take damage until the next AT.
Allies within 2 squares around you will take the damage.
16 Requiem 50 +20 1 3 Special Deals light damage on multipul undead units
16 Rampart Aura II Special Stops the movement of enemies entering 1 square around you and 2 squares on either side (effective up to a height difference of 3)
16 Meditate II Support Restore MP.  Amount of recovery increases with rank.
16 Absolution 50 +20 1 1 Action Negate the effect of Condemn. Condemn disables resuscitation effects.
16 Sancuary Shadow 70 +24 1 1 Action Create an alter ego of the caster that has Sanctuary
Can only be used if “Sanctuary" skill is set.
19 Pincer Attack II Support When an ally attacks at close range, an additional attack is made if the target is behind the attacker. The power of that attack becomes 100%.
19 Constitution II Support Max HP +20%
19 Insight II Support Max MP+20%
25 Day of Reckoning 50 +20 1 3 Special MP reset to enemies in 2 surrounding panels
30 Celestial Song 25 +15 1 3 Special Remove zombie status
33 Sanctuary II Support Prevents undead from entering 2 square around it (effective up to 4 height differences)