Tactics Ogre Reborn – Familiar skills


Warning: contains spoilers

The article contains spoilers of Tactics Ogre Reborn.

Familiar skills

Level Skill MP RT Range Area Type Note
1 Pumpkin Lure 1 1 Support Makes it easier for enemies to target you.
5 Resist Petrify Support Less likely to petrify
5 Resist Charm Support Less likely to become charmed.
5 Meditate I 1 1 Auto MP restoration occurs, and the amount recovered is amplified based on the rank.
6 Insight I Support Max MP+10%
9 Sanctuary I Support Prevents undead from entering 1 square around it (effective up to 4 height differences)
15 Meditate II 1 1 Auto MP restoration occurs, and the amount recovered is amplified based on the rank.
17 Insight II Support Max MP+20%
34 Sanctuary II Support Prevents undead from entering 2 square around it (effective up to 4 height differences)



Level Skill MP RT Range Area Type Note
6 Selfless Kiss 35 +17 2 1 Action Cures paralysis, silence and petrification
15 Coquettish Kiss 35 +17 2 1 Action Dark damage + charm
19 Virtous Dance 50 +20 1 3 Action Dark damage + charm
24 Lingering Kiss 35 +17 2 1 Action Share HP and reduce WT to 0



Level Skill MP RT Range Area Type Note
6 Selfless Kiss 35 +17 2 1 Action Inflicts Paralysis, silence, and petrification on enemies.
15 Coquettish Kiss 35 +17 2 1 Action Dark damage + poison
19 Agonal Scream 35 +17 1 3 Action Inflicts a fearful state
24 Lingering Kiss 35 +17 2 1 Action HP absorption + WT reset



Level Skill MP RT Range Area Type Note
10 Sparagmos 50 +20 1 3 Action Wind damage
11 Pumpkin Strike 50 +20 5 2 Action Dark damage + Heavy
16 Pumpkin Pie 35 +17 5 3 Action HP recovery
22 Pumpkin Bomb 35 +17 1 4 Action Fire damage to the surrounding area instead of being incapacitated
28 Crystal Pumpkin 35 +17 2-5 1 Action Light damage + expulsion