Long Swords (Battle Skill): Romancing Saga Minstrel Song Remastered


Warning: contains spoilers

The article contains spoilers of Romancing Saga Minstrel Song Remastered.

Long Swords (Weapon Skill / Battle Skill)

This article will be divided into three modes.

  • Attack Mode
  • Defense Mode
  • Trick Mode


Attack Mode

Name Power BP Cost DP Cost Status Note Japanese
Hew 85 0 0 STR The basic technique for the long sword, scimitar, great sword, and hand axe. 断ち切り
Impact Slash 248 5 4 STR Slam your enemy and slash while he staggers. Sometimes stuns. 衝突剣
Cutting Lunge 311 7 1 STR A close-range attack for penetrating the enemy’s defenses. カットイン
Sonic Slash 217 4 1 STR Raise your sword high and unleash a slash. Quick recovery. ハヤブサ斬り
Double Slash 438 6 4 STR A mighty dual slash. 八つ裂き
Doppelgangers 1030 17 6 STR Simultaneously slash from various directions. マルチウェイ
Double Vertical 212 4 2 STR A simple technique for the sword. Slash down to the left, then to the right. 切り返し


Defense Mode

Name Power BP Cost DP Cost Status Note Japanese
Hew 85 0 0 STR The basic technique for the long sword, scimitar, great sword, and hand axe. 断ち切り
Blood Rage 529 10 4 STR A ferocious assault of multiple strikes. ブラッドスパルタン
Resonance Edge 700 7 8 STR Increase the effectiveness of your slash via rapid oscillation. 共震剣
Knee Split 94 4 1 STR Attack your enemy’s legs to restrict their actions. Sometimes stuns. なぎ払い
Shimmering Slash 480 12 2 STR Strike your enemy with a powerful shock wave. Quick recovery. 剣閃
Insight 713 18 2 WIL Focus your will into a point, and launch it at the enemy. Sometimes decreases Willpower (WIL).  心形剣
Still Blade 1095 13 8 STR Slowly build up internal strength, launch it at the enemy, and cause it to explode. 不動剣
Cross Cut 315 7 3 STR Slash a cross into your opponent. Effective against undead. 十字斬り


Trick Mode

Name Power BP Cost DP Cost Status Note Japanese
Hew 85 0 0 STR The basic technique for the long sword, scimitar, great sword, and hand axe. 断ち切り
Time Lapse 220 5 2 STR A feint followed by a downward swing. 一人時間差
Mega Thrust 793 10 6 DEX A multiple-thrust combination at blistering speed. 乱れ突き
Artful Slash 301 5 1 STR Execute a feint to ensure a direct hit. かすみ二段
Jackal Blade 367 8 1 STR A charge followed by a vicious strike. Effective against beasts. 狗盗剣
Switch Back 457 13 2 AGI Rush the enemy and strike, then use the recoil to strike again. スイッチバック
Running Slash 296 7 1 STR Charge into the enemy and slash through their torso. 払い抜け