Weapon List – Final Fantasy 2 Pixel Remaster


This is the weapon list of the Final Fantasy 2 Pixel Remaster version.


  • Sword
  • Axe
  • Bow
  • Spear
  • Knife
  • Staff



Name Attack Accuracy Evasion Memo
Broadsword 8 60 2
Long Sword 13 50 2
Mythril Sword 20 50 2
Ancient Sword 25 10 2 Inflicts curse
Sleep Blade 30 10 2 Inflicts sleep
Wing Sword 42 56 2 Effective against flying enemies.
Gaia Blade 52 58 2 Effective against earthen enemies.
Flame Sword 63 60 2 Fire elemental
Ice Brand 72 62 2 Ice elemental
Defender 78 64 16
Sun Blade 83 65 2 Effective against undead monsters.
Excalibur 100 75 2
Masamune 150 90 4 Casts Haste
Blood Sword 0 Absorbs the target’s max HP * (Hits/16)




Name Attack Accuracy Evasion Effect
Axe 10 55 2
Battle Axe 15 45 2
Mythril Axe 22 45 2
Demon Axe 27 45 2
Ogrekiller 58 50 2 Effective against ogres.
Poison Axe 76 55 2 Poison elemental
Inflicts poison
Rune Axe 95 60 2 Effective against mages.
Casts fog.




Name Attack Accuracy Evasion Memo
Bow 1 50 2
Long Bow 5 40 2
Mythril Bow 13 40 2
Dark Bow 25 2 Inflicts blind
Flame Bow 42 47 2 Fire elemental
Ice Bow 56 50 2 Ice elemental
Yoichi Bow 90 75 2 Casts Berserk




Name Attack Accuracy Evasion Memo
Javelin 6 65 2
Spear 11 55 2
Mythril Spear 18 55 2
Trident 30 57 2 Effective against aquatic enemies.
Demon Spear 42 60 2 Effective against flying enemies.
Flame Lance 54 62 2 Fire elemental
Ice Lance 66 65 2 Ice elemental
Thunder Spear 78 67 2 Thunder elemental
Casts Thunder
Holy Lance 90 70 2 Holy elemental
Casts Holy
Effective against Dragon




Name Attack Accuracy Evasion Memo
Knife 3 75 2
Dagger 7 65 2
Mythril Knife 16 60 2
Main Gauche 32 70 10
Orichalcum 50 72 2 Effective against aquatic enemies.
Ripper 69 75 2 Deals additional (Hits * 20) damages.
Cat Claws 86 80 2




Name Attack Accuracy Evasion Memo
Staff 4 70 2
Mace 9 60 2
Mythril Mace 16 60 2
Werebuster 28 62 2 Effective against werefiend
Mage’s Staff 40 64 2 Casts Thunder
Power Staff 53 66 2
Wizard’s Staff 64 68 2 Casts Scourge
Healing Staff 78 70 2 Heals target
Diamond Mace 90 75 2