Etrian Odyssey III HD: Cruel Roamer (F.O.E) Oceanic Quest 02



Warning: contains spoilers

The article contains spoilers of Etrian Odyssey III HD.

Cruel Roamer

Oceanic Quest Trade City Batavia
Name Cruel Roamer
HP 1,022
Weaknesses Fire (x 1.25)
Ice (x 1.25)
Thunder (x 1.25)
Resistance Slashing (x 0.75)
Piercing (x 0.75)
Crushing (x 0.75)
Skill Call Sea Lobster and Red Puffer
Sea God’s Anger (Attacks in combination with Sea Lobster, dealing lightning damage to all party members.)
Item Atrocious Fang
EXP 3,012

This battle will consist of three encounters: two battles against Sea Lobster and Red Puffer, followed by a final battle against Cruel Roamer. Be cautious of the combined attacks of Cruel Roamer and Sea Lobster, as well as the poison inflicted by Red Puffer. If your party members are around level 13, you should be able to defeat the F.O.E. Atrocious Fang is a material for a lightning-attribute spear. Since spears have high attack power, it is recommended to defeat it to obtain this material.