DQ10 Offline Ranger Unlock Quest – Dragon Quest X

Dragon Quest X Offline


Warning: contains spoilers

The article contains spoilers of the Dragon Quest 10 offline. This is NOT the English version.

Ranger Unlock Quest

Place South Kamiharumui Castle town
Condition Thief: Over Level 30
Martial Artist: Over Level 30
Reward Unlock Battle Master
Skill up panel: Bronze

Level up thief and martial artist up to over level 30. And then, go to the South Kamiharumui Castle town.



  1. Go to the South Kamiharumui Castle town.
  2. Enter the house at G-4 point.
  3. Talk to the head of the ranger association.
  4. Change your job, “thief.”
  5. Go to the North Kamiharumi Region.
  6. Defeat an onion man after stealing. 
  7. Talk to the head of the ranger association again.

DQ10 Offline Ranger Unlock Quest - Dragon Quest X