DQ5 List of Spells – Dragon Quest V



Warning: contains spoilers

The article contains spoilers of the Dragon Quest 5.



I’ll show you the list of spells in Dragon Quest V.

  • Attack magic
  • Debilitating magic
  • Field magic
  • Healing magic
  • Support magic


Attack magic

Name MP Effect
Frizz 2 It deals minor fire elemental damages to one enemy. It damages around 12 to 15 points.
Frizzle 4 It deals moderate fire elemental damages to one enemy. It damages around 70 to 90 points.
Kafrizzle 10 It deals major fire elemental damages to one enemy. It damages around 180 to 200 points.
Sizz 4 It deals minor fire elemental damages to one group. It damages around 16 to 24 points.
Sizzle 6 It deals moderate fire elemental damages to one group. It damages around 30 to 42 points.
Kasizzle 10 It deals major fire elemental damages to one group. It damages around 88 to 112 points.
Crack 3 It deals minor ice elemental damages to one enemy. It damages around 25 to 35 points.
Crackle 5 It deals moderate ice elemental damages to one group. It damages around 42 to 58 points.
Kacrackle 12 It deals major ice elemental damages to all. It damages around 80 to 104 points.
Woosh 2 It deals minor wind elemental damages to one group. It damages around 8 to 24 points.
Swoosh 4 It deals moderate wind elemental damages to one group. It damages around 25 to 55 points.
Kaswoosh 8 It deals major wind elemental damages to one group. It damages around 80 to 180 points.
Bang 5 It deals minor blast damages to all. It damages around 20 to 30 points.
Boom 8 It deals moderate blast damages to all. It damages around 52 to 68 points.
Kaboom 15 It deals major blast damages to all. It damages around 120 to 160 points.
Zap 6 It deals moderate lightning elemental damages to all. It damages around 70 to 90 points.
Kazap 15 It deals major lightning elemental damages to all. It damages around 175 to 225 points.
Kazapple 10 x 4 It deals severe lightning elemental damages to all. It damages around 300 to 350 points. It consumes 10 MP from all party members. They cannot act anything at the turn.
Poof 1 It removes a group of enemies from battle.
Whack 4 It kills one enemy instantly.
Thwack 7 It kills one group instantly.
Kamikazee 1 It sacrifices life to damage all enemies.



Debilitating magic

Name MP Effect
Sap 3 It reduces defense of one enemy. It can lower the initial defense. The hit chance is higher than Kasap.
Kasap 4 It reduces defense of one group. It can lower half of the initial defense. The hit chance is lower than Sap.
Snooze 3 It inflicts sleep on one group. There’s less possibility to inflict it than Kasnooze.
Kasnooze 5 It inflicts sleep on one group. There’s a more strong possibility to inflict it than Snooze.
Dazzle 4 It inflicts blind on one group. The blind wears off in some turns.
Fizzle 3 It seals the spells of a group of enemies. The seal of spells wears off in some turns.
Fuddle 5 It inflicts confusion on one group.
Drain Magic 4 It draws off MP from one enemy.



Field magic

Name MP Effect
Zoom 1 It goes to previously visited town.
Evac 1 It escapes from dungeon.
Safe passage 2 It protects party from damage tiles.
Holy protection 4 It wards off weaker enemies for a while.
Peep 3 It allows item appraisal in the treasure chests or pots.
Sheen 10 It cures curse to a party member.
Tick-tock 4 It switches between day and night.



Healing magic

Name MP Effect
Heal 3 It recovers around from 30 to 40 HP.
Midheal 5 It recovers around from 75 to 95 HP.
Fullheal 7 It recovers full HP.
Multiheal 18 It recovers around from 100 to 120 HP to all party members.
Omniheal 36 It recovers full HP to all party members.
Squelch 2 It cures poison to one party member.
Tingle 2 It cures paralysis to all party members.
Kerplunk All It resurrects all party members and recovers full HP to all party members. It sacrifices the caster’s life.
Zing 10 It sometimes resurrects one party member. The revived member’s HP is in half one of max.
Kazing 20 It resurrects one party members. It restores Max HP.



Support magic

Name MP Effect
Buff 2 It increases 40% the initial defense of a party member.
Kabuff 3 It increases 20% the initial defence of all party member.
Bounce 4 It reflects incoming spells. The barrier wears off in some turns.
Insulatle 3 It protects all party members from fire and ice breath.
Absorb magic 2 When hit by the spell, it absorbs the MP.
Puff! 18 It turns into a dragon.
Hocus pocus 20 It randoms effects.
Oomph 6 It doubles a party member’s strength.