DQ5 Bomboulder – Dragon Quest V


Warning: contains spoilers

The article contains spoilers of the Dragon Quest 5.


Bomboulder is a recruitable monster. Its resistance rate is high. You can hardly recruit it.



Place In the Neverglade
Underground the Talon Tower
Recruit rate 1/256




Attribute Starting Status Maximum Status
Level 3 20
HP 205 330
MP 17 178
Strength 107 130
Agility 52 69
Resilience 175 212
Wisdom 15 31
Luck 125 255
Exp 2,287 620,054
Name Resistant Rate
Sap 1
Poison 0
Snooze 4/5
Dazzle 4/5
Fizzle 1/3
Fuddle 4/5
Paralysis 1/3
Drain Magic 1/3
Stun 0
Poof 0
Kamikazee 1/3
Death 0
Frizz 1/3
Sizz 1/3
Crack 1/3
Woosh 1/3
Bang 1/3
Zap 1/3
Flame Breath 1/3
Ice Breath 1/3



Spell / Skill

Spell / Skill Level 
Kerplunk Learned
Body slam 6
Bounce 8
Dazzleflash 10
Zing 14
Lightning 20




Name Stats New Memo
Poison needle 1 2900 It inflicts instant death by 1/6th chance. Except for that, it damages 1 point.
Stone fangs 12 240
Steel fangs 35 2000




Name Stats New Memo
Slime gooniform 20 330
Tortoise shell 33 2500




Name Stats New Memo




Name Stats New Memo
Top hat 20 2000