DQ5 Liquid metal slime – Dragon Quest V

DQ5 Liquid metal slime - Dragon Quest V


Warning: contains spoilers

The article contains spoilers of the Dragon Quest 5.

Liquid metal slime

Liquid metal slime is a recruitable monster as a rare. It hardly joins your party. The chance is one two hundred and fifty-sixth.

A liquid metal slime is high defense and cannot take damage from any magic, breath, status attack. It would not fear anything without a critical hit. Hard to say, it has less the way of attack.



Place On the Mt Batten Pass from the ground floor to the second floor
In the Riteof Passage
Around Stairway to Zenithia
Recruit rate 1/256




Attribute Starting Status Maximum Status
Level 1 8
HP 6 300
MP 30 255
Strength 61 150
Agility 150 255
Resilience 255 255
Wisdom 15 75
Luck 255 255
Exp 0 1,029,722
Name Resistant Rate
Sap 0
Poison 0
Snooze 0
Dazzle 0
Fizzle 0
Fuddle 0
Paralysis 0
Drain Magic 0
Stun 0
Poof 0
Kamikazee 0
Death 0
Frizz 0
Sizz 0
Crack 0
Woosh 0
Bang 0
Zap 0
Flame Breath 0
Ice Breath 0



Spell / Skill

Spell / Skill Level 
Sizz Learned
Bang 2
Buff  3
Sizzle 4
Boom 5
Kasizzle 6
Kerplunk 7
Kaboom 8




Name Attack Gold Memo
Bone stake 6 10
Poison needle 1 2900 It can induce paralysis on strike with a rate of 1/8th.
Stone fangs 12 240
Boomerang 15 420 It is designed to attack all enemies.
Edged boomerang 25 1500 It is designed to attack all enemies.
Steel fangas 35 2000
Falcom knife earrings 35 – 10000 Tokens. It attacks twice per turn.
Flamefang boomerang 65 13000 It is designed to attack all enemies.
Cobra claw 90 – It has a 25 percent chance of inflicting venom.
Orichalcum fangs 115 –
Metal king sword 130 – 50000 Tokens




Name Defense Gold Memo
Rags 3 25 Hero equips first.
Boxer shorts 15 10
Slime gooniform 20 330
Tortoise shell 33 2500
Restless armour 35 –
Glombolero 40 – 17 Mini medals. It sometimes absorbs half the MP from incoming spells.
Slime curio 50 5000 It recovers the wearer’s HP from 10 to 15 every turn.
Sage’s robe 50 12000 It reduces Fire, Ice, Wind elemental magical damages by 15 points.
Flowing dress 55 14800 It reduces fire-elemental damages by 25 points.
Magic armour 60 12800 It reduces Fire, Ice, Wind elemental magical damages by 10 points.
Metal king armour 95 – Metal Dragon drops the armour 1/256th of the time.




Name Defense Gold Memo
Ruinous sheild 0 0 Cursed shield. It raises Frizz, Sizz, Crack, and Woosh by 20 damages. Also, it lowers defense to zero.
Pot lid 2 40
Magic shield 22 3400 It reduces fire-elemental damage by seven.
Silver shield 55 33000 Recommended shield. It reduces fire-elemental damage by fifteen points.
Metal king shield 70 –
(50 Mini Medals)
It reduces the accuracy of Snooze, Dazzle, Fuddle, and instant death.




Name Defense Gold Memo
Poiny hat 3 70
Shelmet 7 150
Top hat 20 2000
Herme’s hat 28 5000 It casts Zoom when used as a tool on the field.
Happy hat 35 – It recovers MP when walking on the field.
Metal king helm 70 – Treasure chest in Mt. Zugzwang




Name Stats Gold Memo
Bianca’s ribbon Wisdom + 15 –