DQ5 Hero – Dragon Quest V

DQ5 Hero - Dragon Quest V


Warning: contains spoilers

The article contains spoilers of the Dragon Quest 5.


We cannot leave the hero of Dragon Quest 5 at the Patty’s Party Planning Place. We can recruit enemies even if the hero is dead.

Hero is a reliable and competent man. He can equip good weapons and armors. Also, he can cast some practical spells.




 Spell MP cost  Level 
Heal 3 4
Squelch 2 6
Woosh 2 8
Buff 2 9
Midheal 5 11
Peep 3 12
Evac 1 14
Swoosh 4 16
Absorb Magic 2 18
Fullheal 7 22
Zing 10 25
Kerplunk All MP
Sacrifice self
Kaswoosh 8 32
Zoom 1 –
Hocus Pocus 20 –




Name Stats New Memo
Cypress stick 2 10 Hero equips first.
Bamboo spear 5 50
Oaken staff 9 130
Copper sword 13 270
Boomerang 15 420 Recommended Weapon. It is designed to attack all enemies.
Iron staff 22 850
Edged boomerang 25 1500 Recommended Weapon It is designed to attack all enemies.
Chain whip 28 1200 It is designed to attack a group of enemies.
Lightning staff 29 – When used as a tool in battle, it can unleash Sizzle to damage a group of enemies.
Steel broadsword 33 2000
Pankraz’s sword 40 – Recommended Weapon
Serpent sword 42 3900
Cautery sword 45 4400 When used as a tool in battle, it can unleash Sizz to damage a group of enemies.
Dream blade 55 6300 Recommended Weapon. It has a 25 percents chance of putting enemies to sleep per slash.
Flametang boomerang 65 13000 It is designed to attack all enemies.
Staff of resurrection 66 45000 When used as a tool, it can cast Zing.
Siren sword 70 9800 It can confuse enemies in battle.
Zombiesbane 80 11500 It deals 50% more damage to creatures from the zombie family.
Dragonsbane 90 15000 It deals 50% more damage to creatures from the dragon family.
Miracle sword 100 –
(23 Mini Medals)
Recommended Weapon. When it successfully lands a hit on an enemy, it restores the user’s HP by one quarter of the damage dealt.
Dragon staff 125 – Recommended Weapon. When used as a tool in battle, it can cast Puff!
Flail of destruction 125 – It is designed to attack all enemies. Treasure chest in Extra dungeon.
Metal king sword 130 – 50000 Tokens




Name Stats New Memo
Plain clothes 4 30 Hero equips first.
Serf wear 5 –
Wayfarer’s clothes 7 70
Leather armour 11 180
Scale armour 15 350
Bronze armour 21 700
Iron armour 25 1200 Recommended Armour
Full plate armour 30 2300
Silver mail 40 4800
Powjamas 40 – 12 Mini Medals. The wearer will attack a single enemy at random once every turn until they awaken if they fall asleep.
Dragon mail 50 7500 Recommended Armour. It protects against fire breath by ten damages.
Magic armour 60 12000 It reduces magical damage by ten.
Flame armour 70 15000 It reduces ice-elemental damage by ten.
Sacred armour 75 –
(28 Mini Medals)
Recommended Armour. It recovers 30 HP every turn.
Mirror armour 80 30000 It reflects magic back to the caster 33.3% of the time.
Pallium regale 90 – Recommended Armour. It reduces all magical and breath damage by 30 points.
Metal king armour 95 – Metal Dragon drops the armour 1/256th of the time.




Name Stats New Memo
Ruinous sheild 0 0 Cursed shield. It raises Frizz, Sizz, Crack, and Woosh by 20 damages. Also, it lowers defense to zero.
Leather shield 4 70
Scale shield 7 180
Bronze shield 11 370
Iron shield 16 720 Recommended shield. It reduces fire and ice-elemental damage by four.
Magic shield 22 3400 It reduces fire-elemental damage by seven.
Dragon shield 30 7100 It reduces fire and ice-elemental damage by fifteen.
Tempest shield 35 4700 Recommended shield. It blows away all enemies when used as an item. Also, it reduces all magical and breath damage by ten points.
Flame shield 40 17000 It reduces ice-elemental damage by fifteen points.
Power shield 45 25000 It can cast Midheal on oneself when used as a tool in battle.
Ogre shield 48 – It reduces ice or fire breath damage by ten.
Silver shield 55 33000 Recommended shield. It reduces fire-elemental damage by fifteen points.
Shimmering shield 65 – Recommended shield. It reduces ice or fire breath damage by twenty. Treasure chest in Extra Dungeon.
Metal king shield 70 –
(50 Mini Medals)
It reduces the accuracy of Snooze, Dazzle, Fuddle, and instant death.




Name Stats New Memo
Leather hat 2 65
Hardwood headwear 6 120
Fur hood 11 400
Iron helmet 16 1100 Recommended Helm
Iron Mask 25 3500 Recommended Helm
Crown of Uptaten 30 –
Thinking cap 40 13000 It is designed to augment its wearer’s intelligence by fifteen points.
Great helm 45 20000
Sun crown 60 – Recommended Helm. It is designed to immune to Kamikazee. Treasure chest in Mt. Zugzwang
Metal king helm 70 – Treasure chest in Mt. Zugzwang