DQ5 Golem – Dragon Quest V


Warning: contains spoilers

The article contains spoilers of the Dragon Quest 5.


Golem is a recruitable monster. The golem is one of the helpful monsters. Its HP, strength, and defense increase much. The meditation is an useful skill.



Place Around Stairway to Zenithia
The north of Lofty Peak
In the Stairway to Zenithia
Recruit rate 1/4




Attribute Starting Status Maximum Status
Level 5 50
HP 210 500
MP 0 0
Strength 120 255
Agility 51 59
Resilience 110 200
Wisdom 25 50
Luck 90 150
Exp 8,779 1,557,027
Name Resistant Rate
Sap 1
Poison 0
Snooze 1/3
Dazzle 1/3
Fizzle 0
Fuddle 4/5
Paralysis 1/3
Drain Magic 0
Stun 1/3
Poof 1
Kamikazee 1
Death 1/3
Frizz 4/5
Sizz 4/5
Crack 4/5
Woosh 4/5
Bang 4/5
Zap 1
Flame Breath 4/5
Ice Breath 4/5



Spell / Skill

Spell / Skill Level 
Muster Strength 8
Focus Strength 9
Meditation 20
Lightning 45




Name Attack Gold Memo
Copper sword 12
Steel broadsword 33
Serpent sword 42 3900  
Cautery sword 45 4400 When used as a tool in battle, it can unleash Sizz to damage a group of enemies.
Dream blade 65 6300 It has a 25 percent chance of putting enemies to sleep per slash.
Zombiesbane 80 11500 It deals 50% more damage to creatures from the zombie family.
90 15000 It deals 50% more damage to creatures from the dragon family.
Double-edged sword 99  – Cursed. It strikes the wielder with 25% recoil damage.
Great bow 110 37000
Hell sabre 120
Metal king sword
130 50000 Tokens
Falcon blade 67 35 Mini medal It attacks twice per turn, but each hit is 75% of her actual attack stat.




Name Defense Gold Memo
Plain clothes 4 30
Wayfarer’s clothes 7 70
Leather armour 11 180
Leather kilt 12 220
Scale armour 15 350
Bronze armour 21 700
Iron armour 25 1200
Full plate armour 30 2300
Spiked armour 55 It sometimes reflects 1/4th damage.
Magic armour 60 12800 It reduces Fire, Ice, Wind elemental magical damages by 10 points.
Devil armour 65
Hela’s armour 85 Cursed Armor. The wearer’s agility becomes zero. It reduces fire or ice-elemental breath damage by 20 points.
Metal king armour 95 Metal Dragon drops the armour 1/256th of the time.




Name Defense Gold Memo
Ruinous sheild 0 0 Cursed shield. It raises Frizz, Sizz, Crack, and Woosh by 20 damages. Also, it lowers defense to zero.
Leather shield 4 70  
Scale shield 7 180  
Bronze shield 11 370  
Iron shield 16 720 It reduces fire and ice-elemental damage by four.
Dragon shield 30 7100 It reduces fire and ice-elemental damage by fifteen.
Dark shield 37 When used as a tool during a battle, it casts Absorb Magic.
Ogre shield 48 It reduces ice or fire breath damage by ten.
Metal king shield 70
(50 Mini Medals)
It reduces the accuracy of Snooze, Dazzle, Fuddle, and instant death.




Name Defense Gold Memo
Leather hat 2 65
Hardwood headwear 6 120
Iron helmet 16 1100
Iron mask 25 3500
Hades’ helm 30  
Thinking cap 40 13000 It is designed to augment its wearer’s intelligence by fifteen points.
Great helm 45 20000
Metal king helm 70 Treasure chest in Mt. Zugzwang




Name Stats Gold Memo