DQ10 Offline How to Save Your Data – Dragon Quest X


Here’s an article for Dragon Quest X offline. I’ll explain how to save your data. This is not English version.

How to save your data

  1. Go to church.
  2. Talk to priest.
  3. Choose the top of the menu. (おいのりをする)
  4. Choose the data
  5. Confirm to save. Choose Yes.
  6. Save your data.
  7. Answer him to continue your adventure or not. If you choose はい, continue your adventure. But if you choose いいえ, end the application.


Go to church


Talk to priest


Choose the top of the menu. (おいのりをする)

おいのりする Save To save your data
おつげをきく Divination To know all party members’ Next Level Exp.
いきかえらせる Resurrection To revive a party member
どくのちりょう Purification To cure poison
のろいをとく Benefication To lift a curse
種族をかえる Change Race To transform your race into a human or a human into your race.


Choose the data

Which data will you save?



Is it okay if we save the data?

はい Yes Save 
いいえ No Cancel


Save Message

We are saving your data. Don’t turn off the application.


Continue or End

Will you continue your adventure?

はい Yes Continue your adventure
いいえ No End game


End Game

Back to title.