DQ5 Bad apple – Dragon Quest V

DQ5 Bad apple - Dragon Quest V


Warning: contains spoilers

The article contains spoilers of the Dragon Quest 5.

Bad apple

Bad apple is a recruitable monster. You can recruit it at the third generation, not the second. It is too late to join the party.



Place Around Faerie Lea
Recruit rate 1/4




Attribute Starting Status Maximum Status
Level 1 20
HP 100 290
MP 10 55
Strength 40 100
Agility 40 110
Resilience 30 95
Wisdom 2 40
Luck 15 50
Exp 0 51819
Name Resistant Rate
Sap 1
Poison 1
Snooze 1
Dazzle 1
Fizzle 1
Fuddle 1
Paralysis 1
Drain Magic 1
Stun 1
Poof 1
Kamikazee 1
Death 1
Frizz 1
Sizz 1
Crack 1
Woosh 1
Bang 1
Zap 1
Flame Breath 1
Ice Breath 1



Spell / Skill

Spell / Skill Level 
Body slam Learned
Paralysis Attack Learned
Snooze 3
Dazzleflash 5
Buff 10
Kasnooze 15




Name Stats New Memo
Poison needle 1 2900 It inflicts instant death by 1/6th chance. Except for that, it damages 1 point.
Stone fangs 12 240
Steel fangs 35 2000




Name Stats New Memo
Slime gooniform 20 330
Tortoise shell 33 2500




Name Stats New Memo
– – – –




Name Stats New Memo
Top hat 20 2000