5. Ultimate Key (Dragon Quest 3 – Walkthrough) [DQ3]


Let’s get an Ultimate key at first after getting your ship.


You don’t need to fight any bosses here.


Ultimate Key

1. Go west from Alishan on the ship.
2. Enter Lanson town and buy a fading jenny.
3. Go southwest from Norvik on the ship.
4. Enter Edina castle.
5. Use the fading jenny and get through the gate. If you don’t use it, the guard disturbs you pass through.
6. Go down the basement and move three rocks to the blue tiles. After that, you can open the hidden door.
7. Go into the very back and obtain the bottomless pot.
8. Go south from Alishan on the ship.
9. If you can find shallows, use the bottomless pot in front of them. See the below image.
10. Enter the sea shrine and obtain the Ultimate key.

After getting a ship optional


Use the bottomless pot at this point.

Dragon Quest 3 – Contents