DQ10 Offline Fishing – Dragon Quest X


Warning: contains spoilers

The article contains spoilers of the Dragon Quest 10 offline. I’ll explain the fishing of DQX. This is NOT the English version.


Firstly, let’s finish the quest from the master in the south Rendor. And then, you can do the fishing anytime. The quest is to do the fishing and give a fish to the master. It is good to do it at the Rendor port.


You can do the fishing at the fish sign on the map.  



How to do the fishing

釣りをする do the fishing

Come near the water’s edge to do the fishing. The more the fishing, the more obtaining the fishing EXP.


ここで 釣りを始めますか? Will you do the fishing here?
はい Yes
いいえ No
そうび Equip


The above image is to equip a fishing rod and lure. You can receive a new rod and lure from the fishing master at the south Rendor if you level up.


釣りバトル Fishing battle

Lean a rod first near the water’s edge. A few seconds later, the exclamation sign appears, then press the button and start fishing battle.


釣りバトル スタート!! The fishing battle begins


さおを引く Pull a rod Draw the fish near you
さおをゆるめる Loose a rod Prevent the fish’s rampage. Plus, it is to go up the bite rate. You can loose a rod three times.
全力で引く Pull a rod with all your might Draw the fish near you twice. You can only do it once.
炎の力で引く Special skill Some rods have special skills. You can only use a skill once.
あきらめる Give up fishing battle Cancel the fishing game.
メートル m (meter) Distance from you and the fish. You can obtain the fish when the meter is zero.
くいつき度 Bite rate A rate the fish bites. You must pull the fish up before it is zero.



Fishing Master

今日は 何の用だ Can I help you today?
依頼をみる See Requests You can obtain the fishing coin and EXP when you pass the fish he requests.
褒美をみる See Prizes You can obtain the prizes when you level up and talk to him.
説明を聞く Explain the requests and prizes Explanation





Level 賞品 Rods and Lures
3 きれいな釣りざお Beautiful rod
6 プラチナルアー Platinum lure
11 炎の釣りざお Fire rod
14 マデュライトルアー Madurite lure
17 氷の釣りざお Ice rod
19 天使のルアー Angel lure
22 闇の釣りざお Dark rod
24 トゲトゲルアー Thorn’s lure
27 きせきの釣りざお Miracle rod
29 やいばのルアー Edged lure



Exchange staff

こちらは おさかな交換員です I’m an exchange staff.
本日は いかがなさいますか? How can I help you today?
さかなを選んで渡す Pass a fish You can pass a fish you have.
さかなを全て渡す Pass all fishes You can pass fishes you have at once.
景品を交換する Exchange Prizes You can exchange prizes using your fishing points.
説明を聞く Explain Explanation



Type アイテム (Japanese) Items (English) Fishing coin
Material 魚の切り身 Fish meat cut 30
Material ごくじょうソルト Great salt 80
Material こくうまソース Great sause 80
Material ピリからペッパー Spicy pepper 80
Gesture しぐさ書・怒る Gesture book: angry 100
Gesture しぐさ書・けいれい Gesture book: salute 100
Gesture しぐさ書・ちょうはつ Gesture book: provoke 100
Material シャークスキン Shark skin 150
Material おおとろの切り身 Fatty tuna cut 200
Recipe スマッシュポテトな物語 Recipe: Smash potato 480
Recipe グレイトグラタンの王様 Recipe: Great gratin 480
Recipe マジックスープの神秘 Recipe: Magic soup 480
Recipe ミラクルサンドの作り方 Recipe: Miracle sandwich 480
Recipe いやしのムニエルを得る Recipe: Healing meuniere 480
Recipe 完全なるバランスパスタ Recipe: Balance Pasta 480
Recipe スタースイーツの絵本 Recipe: Star sweets 480
Recipe 鋭く尖ったキッシュ辞典 Recipe: Agility quiche 480
Recipe 闘争とパッツァの歴史 Recipe: Battle pazza 480
Labyrinth coin ザ・キャッツコイン The Cats coin 500
Labyrinth coin ザ・ボーンズコイン The Bones coin 500
Material 迷宮コインの破片 Labyrinth coin’s debris 1000
Fashion キャプテンマント Captain mantle 3000
Fashion おとぎの森セット Fantasy forest set 3000
Material レッドオーブ Red orb 20000
Material ブルーオーブ Blue orb 20000
Material イエローオーブ Yellow orb 20000
Material グリーンオーブ Green orb 20000
Material ブルーオーブ Blue orb 20000
Material パープルオーブ Purple orb 20000
Skill-up panel スキルアップパネル・金 Skill-up panel: Gold 50000