Tactics Ogre Reborn – Knight Commander skills


Warning: contains spoilers

The article contains spoilers of Tactics Ogre Reborn.

Knight Commander skills

Level Skill MP RT Range Area Type Note
3 Pincer attack I Support When an ally attacks at close range, an additional attack is made if the target is behind the attacker. The power of that attack becomes 75%.
3 Rampart Aura I Support Stops the movement of enemies who invade 1 square around it (effective up to 3 height differences)
3 Mighty Impact 40 +18 1 1 Action Melee attacks are 100% hit and critical, no counterattacks
4 Concentration 1 1 Auto A personal boost in magic hit rate is applied.
5 Resist Petrify Support Less likely to petrify
5 Resist Charm Support Less likely to become charmed.
5 Double Attack Support Two attacks are possible when two one-handed melee weapons are equipped.
7 Constitution I Support Max HP +10%
8 Gordian Key 25 +15 7 1 Action Removes Gordian Key.
9 Insight I Support Max MP+10%
10 Siege Support
It can move ignoring the effect of Rampart Force. However, mobility is reduced by 1
10 Intimidate I 1 3 Auto Removes a skill from enemy units within 2 panels. Chance of success increases with rank.
14 First Aid I 1 3 Auto Time stop recovery to allies in 2 surrounding panels. Success rate increases with rank.
14 Intercession 1 1 Auto Grant Negate to oneself
14 Shadowbreak 40 +18 5 1 Action Dispels a Shadow.
14 Rampart Aura II Support Stops the movement of enemies entering 1 square around you and 2 squares on either side (effective up to a height difference of 3)
16 Dragonslayer 35 +17 1 1 Action Increases damage from direct attacks against dragons. This skill always hits the dragon.
16 Beastslayer 35 +17 1 1 Action Increases damage from direct attacks against beast enemies. This skill always hits the enemy.
18 Constitution II Support Max HP +20%
19 Pincer attack II Support When an ally attacks at close range, an additional attack is made if the target is behind the attacker. The power of that attack becomes 100%.
21 Insight II Support Max MP +20%
21 Intimidate II 1 3 Auto Removes a skill from enemy units within 2 panels. Chance of success increases with rank.
23 Ivory Tower I 1 1 Auto Avoid all direct attacks two times until the next AT.
25 First Aid II 1 3 Auto Time stop recovery to allies in 2 surrounding panels. Success rate increases with rank.
32 Intimidate III 1 3 Auto Removes a skill from enemy units within 2 panels. Chance of success increases with rank.
33 Steadfast Support Disables knockback
36 First Aid III 1 3 Auto Time stop recovery to allies in 2 surrounding panels. Success rate increases with rank.
43 Intimidate IV 1 3 Auto Removes a skill from enemy units within 2 panels. Chance of success increases with rank.
45 Ivory Tower II 1 1 Auto Avoid all direct attacks three times until the next AT.
47 First Aid IV 1 3 Auto Time stop recovery to allies in 2 surrounding panels. Success rate increases with rank.