Dragon Quest 5,Walkthrough

DQ5 Whealbrook Cave - Dragon Quest V
#Treasure ChestMemoAMedicinal herbB50 GoldCLeather shieldDWayfarer’s clothes EStone from WhealbrookIn the first generati ...

Dragon Quest 5,Walkthrough

#PlaceMemo1Nadiria Shrine2Precaria3Nadiria T’n’T board4Mt. Zugzwang 5FungeonAfter the ending, you can enter the dungeon ...

Dragon Quest 5,Walkthrough

#PlaceMemo1Faerie Lea village2Dwarf’s Den3Winter PalaceIn the third generation era, the T’n’T board appears ...

Dragon Quest 5,Walkthrough

#PlaceMemo1Whealbrook2Roundbeck3Uptaten Towers4Coburg Pass5Coburg6Ancient RuinsCave Northeast of Coburg7Heaven’s Above A ...

Dragon Quest 5,Walkthrough


Warning: contains spoilers

The article contains spoilers of the Dragon Quest 5.