Dragon Quest 3,Walkthrough

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Castle Baramos (Baramos’ Lair)


AHeadsman’s AxeBPrayer RingCHapless HelmDMini MedalEMini MedalRou ...

Dragon Quest 3,Walkthrough

Thumbnail of post image 173

Cave of NecrogondAMini MedalBSpiked ArmourCThunderbolt BladeDMini MedalRouteExit1 > 1 > 2 > 3 > Pit (Fall) & ...

Dragon Quest 3,Walkthrough

2. Romaria - Asham - Isis (Dragon Quest 3 - Walkthrough) [DQ3]

Ghost ShipAMini MedalBGarterC128GDMoonwort BulbE670GFMini MedalGMimicHPoison NeedleISeed of StrengthJ Lover’s Lock ...

Dragon Quest 3,Walkthrough

Thumbnail of post image 129

Manoza CaveA128GBSeed of StrengthC56GDChimera WingE568GF24GGSeed of LifeHMini MedalI320GJMimicKMimicLMimicMMimicNSeed of ...

Dragon Quest 3,Walkthrough

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Orochi’s LairAMask of ImplacabilityBossExit > 1 > Boss


Dragon Quest 3 – Contents

Wal ...