Chapter 19 (Knight Route) – Mercenaries Blaze Walkthrough

Twin Dragons go into the shrine. Then, two dragons appear. To Save Fay, you have to defeat the dragons.
Chapter 19 ...Chapter 18 (Knight Route) – Mercenaries Blaze Walkthrough

Fay’s condition is stable, thanks to Kathryn. Then enemies attack the city. Lester and Dalton go to the shrine ...
Chapter 17 (Knight Route) – Mercenaries Blaze Walkthrough

After the battle, the spell sword starts moving on its own.
Chapter 17PunishmentPlaceTuria Battle RuinReference L ...Chapter 16 (Knight Route) – Mercenaries Blaze Walkthrough

Earth Fang with Alvah appears in the Turia Battle Ruin.
Chapter 16Close CallPlaceTuria Battle RuinReference Lv.30R ...Chapter 15 (Knight Route) – Mercenaries Blaze Walkthrough

Lester walks into the forest in deep thought.
Chapter 15HesitationPlaceMarsh WoodsReference Lv.28Reward2000Pa ...