FF6 Low Level Guide 2 – Final Fantasy VI Pixel Remaster


I’ll explain how low-level party members defeat the bosses.



Locke 5
Celes 6
Sabin 6
Shadow 5
Cyan 7
Gau 7
Terra 6



In the Battle for the Frozen Esper, we can skip all soldiers’ battles. However, I’ve not confirmed yet. I just heard of it. I’ll give it a try next time. Anyway, try it if you want to skip EXP ultimately.



Tunnel Armor

Name Tunnel Armor
Location South Figaro Cave
HP 1300
Skill ・Normal Attack
・Magitek Laser
Weakness Lightning

The party will be defeated when tunnel armor’s magic hits it. So, Celes keeps using Runic. Be careful that there’s a lag between choosing Runic and activating it. Also, Locke attacks the Tunnel Armor and sometimes heals the two using a potion. It is good that you don’t use Thunder Rod this time.



Siegfried (Fake)

Name Siegfread (Fake)
Location Phantom Train
HP 100
Skill ・Normal Attack

This Siegfried is fake and too weak. His HP is only 100. Someone’s attack brings to an end soon. He has no EXP.



Phantom Train

Name Phantom Train
Location Phantom Train
HP 1900
Skill ・Normal Attack
・Acid Rain
・Saintly Beam
・Diabolic Whistle
Weakness Fire

The Phantom Train is an undead monster. So, it is vulnerable to a Pheonix Down.



Phizopas & Opinicus Fish

Name Rhizopas
Location Baren Falls
HP 775
Skill ・Normal Attack
・El Niño
Weakness Lightning

Sabin uses Aura Cannon, and also Cyan uses Bushido only. Defeat Rhizopas before it uses El Niño.



Hell’s Rider

Name Hell’s Rider
Location Narshe Cliffs
HP 1300
Skill ・Normal Attack
・Silver Lance
・Reverse Polarity

We can skip this battle too. Lose this battle if you want to encounter this Hell’s Rider for Gau’s Rages. And then, another party has to defeat Kefka.

Hell’s Rider’s attack is severe if you are a low-level party. You can beat it using Aura Cannon five times or more.




Name Kefka
Location Narshe Cliffs
HP 3000
Skill ・Normal Attack

Kefka can cast some magic. These are powerful for a low-level party. In this battle, paralysis is effective against Kefka. So, let Gau use Rage ‘Alacran’ that can paralyze Kefka. The other members attack Kefka.