Final Fantasy V Pixel Remaster Low Level Challenge 7


I’ll explain how to defeat the bosses with low levels.



Bartz 2
Lenna 1
Krile 1
Faris 9



This is the third world after the two worlds are merged.

Reflect Ring is a practical accessory in this game. You can steal Reflect Mage in the Exdeath castle of the second world.



Name Antlion
HP 8100
Weakness Old

You have to defeat Antlion with only Bartz and Krile. Sleep and Old are effective against the boss. You never lose if you could inflict sleep. I used Time-slip and Goblin Punch in the above video.

Want List

・Blue Magic



Gargoyle x 2

Name Gargoyle
HP 5000
Weakness Sleep

Two gargoyles are not strong, but they revive if you can’t defeat them at the same time.

Inflict sleep both of them and then petrify them. Probably, these magics are going to have no effect if your levels are low. So, it is good that you use sleep and break with Spellblade.

Want List




Mummy x 3

Name Mummy
HP 2900
Weakness Fire

You have to defeat three mummies in the pyramid of the third world. The mummy’s weakness is fire. To defeat them easily, equip Flame Rod and use the other one. It is also good you let someone guard their attacks and cover the other party members.

Want List

・Flame Rod x 2




Name Melusine
HP 20000
Weakness Sleep

Melusine uses Barrier Change to change the elemental weakness. The first weakness is fire. Also, you can inflict sleep on the boss. It only casts magic such as Firaga, Blizzaga, and Thundaga. So, you’re safe equipping a reflect ring. Attack Spellblade sleep to the boss before the Barrier Change and cast Firaga. That’s the effective way.

The more you increase the level, the more you inflict damages on enemies. I mixed antidote and holy water to create Samson’s Might. You might want to drink Hero Cocktail.

Want List


・Black Magic Lv. 5
・Antidote x 99
・Holy Water x 99
・Hero Cocktail x 99
・Flame Rod x 1
・Reflect Ring x 3




Name Odin
HP 17000
Weakness Old

There’s only one minute to defeat Odin. The spellblade “Break” is the easiest way. In another way, use Time-slip and Goblin Punch, because the boss’s level is just three only. Lenna and Krile are levels one use Goblin Punch are effective against the boss.

Want List

・Goblin Punch
・Blue Magic




Name Wendigo
HP 20000
Weakness Sleep

The four bodies are all real ones first. If you hit the attack to the boss, the real one moves to somewhere in four bodies. We cannot see the real one in the battle. Equip Flame Rings to nullify Blaze.

I released four Rukh in the above video. You can catch Rukh near Karnak town on the sea. You can also get Zu where is in the forest near Castle Tycoon. When we release Rukh and Zu, we can use Breath Wing.

There’s another way you hit the Spellblade “Sleep” to the boss. After inflicting sleep, attack the boss not to get up.

Want List

・Flame Ring x 4




Name Minotaur
HP 19850

Minotaur and we cannot use magic. So, we have to attack physically in this boss battle. The boss can absorb Holy attacks. Don’t equip Holy Lance and Excalibur.

Releasing two Great Dragons is easy to defeat Minotaur. You can catch the dragon in the interdimensional rift.

I avoided the boss’s attack, and I damaged normally. But it takes time to defeat the boss. If you don’t want to use Catch and Release ability, it is good to equip Masamune and Elven Mantle. Masamune is a Katana that we can move first and can use Heist. Elven Mantle avoids physical attacks at 25 percent.

Want List

・Elven Mantle




Name Omniscient
HP 16999
Weakness Old

Omniscient use Return immediately if we attack it without Magic or Steal. Also, the boss uses only magic in this battle. Equip Reflect Rings before the battle.

Silence is effective against the boss, so I attacked the boss with Spellblade’s “Silence.” As you already know, enemies and the party members, who are inflicted silence, cannot use magic. So, we can seal Return in this battle if we can keep inflicting silence to the boss. That means we can attack physically and use other abilities in this battle after the seal.

I recommend that you release two Rukh or Zu if you want to defeat the boss easily.

Want List

・Reflect Ring x 4




I recommend getting Masamune, Aporo’s Harp, Hermes’ Sandal x 4, and Coral Rings x 4. Let’s steal Ice Shield and Mirage Vest in the solitary Island Shrine. You can steal Ice Shield from Numb Blade and steal Mirage Vest from Oiseaurare. They are in the shrine. These are practical items.