Etrian Odyssey III HD: Spears


Warning: contains spoilers

The article contains spoilers of Etrian Odyssey III HD.


Name Attack Price Slot Material Notes
Pitchfork 16 60 LUC x2 Farmer only
Short Spear 20 70
Tetsukiyari 29 220 VIT x1
Empty x 1
Mountain Claw x1
Javelin 36 470 Empty x2 Steel Shell x3
Pike 43 820 Empty x1 Tough Feeler ×5
Supple Branch ×5
Lance 48 1,230 Empty x2 Crocodile Hide ×1
Soft Bark ×5
Do Sanga 51 1,510 Empty x2 Blue Core ×1
Ga-dearg 56 1,890 Lightning x2 Atrocious Fang ×1
Tough Feeler ×1
Long Spear 65 2,120 Empty x1 Century Shell×2
Sarissa 72 2,650 Enpty x2 Flawless Shell ×1
Indigo Pith ×5
Spade 78 3,780 Empty x3 Eggshell Piece ×2 Farmer Only
Ahlspiess 80 4,110 Empty x3 Red Iron Chip ×1
Rhomphair 85 4,800 Empty x1  Octopus’s Horn x1
Tepoztopilli 91 5,080 Empty x2 Dino Calacaneus x2
Oomiyari 100 6,130 Empty x1 Predatory Fang x5
Burning Fur x5
Hayakaze 105 7,210 AGI x2
SPD x2
Empty x2
Elastic Skin x1
Pagoda Branch x3
Awl Pike 110 8,140 Empty x2 Spearhead Chip x1
Brionac 113 9,300 Fire x4 Clay Horn x1
Winged Spear 116 9,660 Empty x1 Ebony Shard x1
Partizan 124 11,220 Empty x3 Witch’s Robe x5
Cast-iron Hilt x5
Moon Spear 134 14,400 Empty x1 Sanguine Tail x1
Rat’s Fang x1
Drakeback Spear 143 18,450 Empty x2 Sanguine Tail x1
Aesculus Wood x1
Tonbokiri 150 21,500 Empty x2 Sanguine Tail x3
Paulownia Bark x2
Chauve-souris 156 31,450 Empty x2 Polyamide Fiber x1
Rending Jaw x2
Fangtianhuaji 162 40,780 Empty x3 Wrenching Jaw x2
Star Driftwood x6
Grasida 166 51,890 Empty x1 Cursed Bone x2
Cursed Vine x1
Rhongomyniad 178 259,000 Empty x4 Prisoner’s Arm x1
Trident 190 287,000 HP x2
TP x2
VIT x2
Tsunami Fang x1