Etrian Odyssey III HD: Limit Skills


Warning: contains spoilers

The article contains spoilers of Etrian Odyssey III HD.

Limit Skills

Limit Skill is a special ability that can be used in addition to the regular commands of each class. There are a total of 21 Limit Skills available. At the start of the game, you will receive three types of Limit Skills. Additionally, you can obtain six of them within the labyrinth and twelve as rewards through the Oceanic Quest.

Limit Skills can only be utilized when the Limit Gauge is fully charged. The Limit Gauge fills up as you engage in battles or use skills. Conversely, the Limit Gauge depletes when you escape from encounters or disband your party.

Limit Skills are set to one to five party members before a battle and can be employed during the battle. The potency of Limit Skills can be enhanced through various effects like charging and ether compression. Additionally, the number of individuals boosted by the Ninja’s alter ego ability is also counted towards the total number of party members activating Limit Skills. Furthermore, Limit Skills are unaffected by bindings and can be activated regardless of the character’s equipment burden. However, certain Limit Skills may have reduced effectiveness. It’s important to note that if a party member set with a Limit Skill is in a state of death, petrification, confusion, or sleep, the Limit Skill will not activate. Even paralysis may fail to trigger its activation. In such cases, the Limit Gauge will not decrease and will remain at 100%.



Skill SET Attribute Note
Cross Slash 2 Slash damage Deal powerful slash damage to one enemy when the turn begins.
Indomitable 1 Defense support When fatally injured, you will have 1 HP left. Effect ends after battle.
Charge Tactic 2 Offense support Raise ally attack for five turns at the start of the turn.
Mumyouken 3 Pierce damage Unleash three pierce attacks to all enemies.
Guard Tactic 2 Defense support Raise ally defense for five turns at the start of the turn.
Second Wind 1 Healing Skill Completely recover your own HP at the end of the turn.
Lathal Tactic 2 Offense support Give all allies critical strength for five turns at turn start.
Hellfire 2 Fire damage Deal powerful fire damage to all enemies at random at turn start.




From this point onwards, each Limit Skill will be described in detail.


Cross Slash

Cross Slash 2 Slash damage Deal powerful slash damage to one enemy when the turn begins.

Cross Slash is a skill that inflicts slash damage on a single enemy at the start of the turn. It is available right from the beginning of the game. Also, it proves to be particularly useful in the early stages of the game.



Indomitable 1 Defense support When fatally injured, you will have 1 HP left. Effect ends after battle.

“Indomitable” is a limit skill that becomes available right from the beginning of the game. This skill is unique as it does not consume any reinforcement slots and remains active until its effect is triggered, making it especially suitable for Hoplite and Monk classes.


Charge Tactic

Charge Tactic 2 Offense support Raise ally attack for five turns at the start of the turn.

“Charge Tactic” is a limit skill that becomes available right from the beginning of the game. Charge Tactic is an exceptional Limit Skill that remains effective until the end. By using this skill, the power of all attacks is increased by 25% for a duration of 5 turns. It is activated at the start of the turn, enhancing not only physical attacks but also magical and non-attribute attacks. This makes it a versatile and powerful skill for various classes and playstyles.



Mumyouken 3 Pierce damage Unleash three pierce attacks to all enemies.

At the start of the turn, this Limit Skill unleashes three random assault attacks on the entire enemy group, targeting the same enemy multiple times. The attack power is further enhanced by the effects of Charge and Attack Order. It is crucial to assign this skill to the three strongest attackers in your party. With its ability to deal multiple hits, this skill proves particularly effective against regular enemies, aiding in their swift defeat.


Guard Tactic

Guard Tactic 2 Defense support Raise ally defense for five turns at the start of the turn.

This skill grants a 25% damage reduction from all incoming attacks for a duration of 5 turns. It proves effective against both attribute and non-attribute attacks. However, it does not provide any defense against poison damage, nor does it prevent or alleviate abnormal conditions.


Second Wind

Second Wind 1 Healing Skill Completely recover your own HP at the end of the turn.

Second Wind is a skill that fully restores the user’s HP at the end of the turn. It synergizes particularly well with Sovereign’s Royal Veil skill. Considering its healing potential, it can be advantageous to equip this skill when engaging in solo exploration.


Lathal Tactic

Lathal Tactic 2 Offense support Give all allies critical strength for five turns at turn start.

Lethal Tactic is a skill that guarantees critical attacks for 5 turns. However, it only applies to normal attacks and does not affect other skills. It is worth noting that skills or abilities that reduce attack power will be nullified by Lethal Tactic. Keep in mind that its effectiveness may diminish in the later stages of the game when players rely less on regular attacks.



Hellfire 2 Fire damage Deal powerful fire damage to all enemies at random at turn start.

Hellfire is a skill that inflicts powerful fire damage on enemies at random at the start of the turn. The strength and attack power of the user’s weapon do not influence the skill’s damage. Instead, it relies heavily on the user’s average TEC (technical) stat. When combined with Zodiac’s skills “Etheric Charge” and “Singularity,” Hellfire can unleash devastating damage. This skill proves especially effective against enemies vulnerable to fire attacks, making it a valuable asset in battle. To effectively utilize this skill in conjunction with “Etheric Charge,” you should select “Hellfire” followed by “Etheric Charge” within the same turn. This combination allows you to amplify the potency of “Hellfire” by utilizing the power of Etheric Charge. By using these skills together, you can unleash a devastating fire attack on your enemies, making it especially advantageous when facing enemies vulnerable to the fire attribute.