Etrian Odyssey III HD: Accessories


Warning: contains spoilers

The article contains spoilers of Etrian Odyssey III HD.


Name Price Slot Material Notes
Sumitomo Brace Head Guard x2
Arm Guard x2
Leg Guard x2
Oceanic Quest “Trade City of Ugarit” Reward
Cooper Monocle HIT x2
Plague x2
Oceanic Quest “Dark Forest” Reward
Lucky Choker 200 LUC x3
Rabbit Amulet 200 AGI x3
Stamina Bracelet 200 VIT x3
Smart Earring 200 TEC x3
Power Ring 200 STR x3
Paralysis Ankh 200 Paralyze x3 Poison Hypha x3
Poison Charm 200 Poison x3 Poisonous Tail x10
Blind Mask 200 Blind x3 Green Thorn x15
Leg Guard 250 Leg Guard x3 Large Jaw x1
Ice Charm 300 Ice x3 Tough Feeler x6
Plague Mantle 300 Plague x3 Pungent Ivy x10
Aim Goggles 500 HIT x3 Purple Scale x1
Life Belt 500 HP x3 Supple Branch x1
Frog Cheek x5
Head Guard 800 Head Guard x3 Tough Tentacle x8
Sleep Guard 800 Sleep x3 Jutting Tusk x1
Arm Guard 900 Arm Guard x3 Coral Jaw x2
Fire Charm 1,400 Fire x3 Coral Arm x7
Bolt Charm 1,400 Lightning x3 Thick Throat x1
Advance Choker 1,800 SPD x3 Cilial Sucker x3
Brilliance Belt 1,800 TP x3 Blue Arm x6
Panic Guard 2,000 Confusion x3 Umbrella Lump x5
Curse Gem 2,000 Curse x3 Long Tongue x9
Stone Charm 2,000 Stone x3 Pup Horn x9
Stab Charm 3,500 Piercing x3 Round Eggshell x1
Slash Charm 3,500 Slashing x3 Igneous Rock x1
Bash Charm 3,500 Crushing x3 Pyrargyrite x1
Venom Charm 4,000 Poison x5 Shining Feather x6
Blind Seal 4,000 Blind x5 Siamese Senna x1
Charmed String x4
Death Magatama 4,000 Instant Death x1 Silver Snakeskin x1
Fortune Choker 4,500 LUC x5 Red Iron Chip x9
Gale Amulet 4,500 AGI x5 Torn Tail x4
Critical Belt 4,500 CRI x3 Poinciana Pos x1
Flame Amulet 6,500 Fire x5 Ebony Nail x6
Frost Amulet 6,500 Ice x5 Memimorphite x1
Staunch Feeler x10
Storm Amulet 6,500 Lightning x5 Gold Caruncle x10
Stun Ankh 7,000 Paralyze x5 Horned Cap x7
Sleep Seal 7,000 Sleep x5 Akaganeite x1
Hazard Bulb x10
Disease Mantle 7,000 Plague x5 Paulownia Bark x1
Biting Vine x5
Wisdom Earring 8,000 TEC x5 Castors Eye x1
Energy Bracelet 8,000 VIT x5 Spearhead Chip x8
Vital Belt 8,000 HP x5 Ebony Shard x5
Strength Ring 8,000 STR x5 Castiron Hilt x7
Piercing Amulet 12,000 Piercing x5 Needle Tail x10
Slice Amulet 12,000 Slashing x5 Forked Tail x10
Crush Amulet 12,000 Crushing x5 Iron Tusk x3
Godly Belt 15,000 TP x5 Violet Tail x7
Velocity Choker 15,000 SPD x5 Rat’s Fang x15
Target Goggles 15,000 HIT x5 Pink Bird’s Leg x3
Panic Seal 18,000 Confusion x5 Infernal Scale x7
Hex Gem 18,000 Curse x5 Starry Shell x20
Rock Amulet 18,000 Petrification x5 Cursed Bone x8
Fatal Magatama 18,000 Instant Death x5 Stardust Twig x1
Cursed Femur x2
Stun Seal 25,000 Stun x5 Zircon x1
Pale Bone x1
Heal Seal 25,000 Head Bind x5 Rending Jaw x9
Arm Seal 25,000 Arm Bind x5 Invader’s Eye x6
Leg Seal 25,000 Leg Bind x5 Dragonfly Nest x10
Deathly Belt 40,000 CRI x5 Tiny Tooth x15