DQ10 Offline Staff Skill Panel – Dragon Quest X


Warning: contains spoilers

The article contains spoilers of the Dragon Quest 10 offline. This is NOT the English version.

Staff Skill Panel

This article contains the staff skill panel of Dragon Quest X Offline. You can know the staff skill panel by reading this article.

  • Skill Panel
  • List of Staff Skills
  • Vocations


Skill Panel

# SP Skill
1 14 Mysterious Staff Flash Kill
2 3 Attack +5
3 4 Critical Hit Rate +1%
4 4 Critical Hit Rate +1%
5 3 Deliverance
6 7 Crushed Ice
7 2 Critical Hit Rate +0.5%
8 3 Attack +5
9 3 Evasion Rate When Equipped +1%
10 2 Critical Hit Rate +0.5%
11 3 Evasion Rate When Equipped +1%
12 1 Leg Sweep
13 1 Attack +3
14 1 Attack +3
15 1 Attack +3
16 2 Guard Rate When Equipped +0.5%
17 2 Guard Rate When Equipped +0.5%
18 3 Evasion Rate When Equipped +1%
19 5 Party Pooper
20 3 Evasion Rate When Equipped +1%
21 3 Attack +5
22 3 Guard Rate When Equipped +1%
23 3 Guard Rate When Equipped +1%
24 9 Counter Wait



Staff Skills

Skill MP Cost Description
Leg Sweep 2 Sweep to one group to try to knock them down. Enemies that are knocked down are incapacitated for one turn.
Deliverance 2 Normally, it deals damages multiplied by 1.2 to an enemy. For the zombies, it deals damages multiplied by 1.8 and adds five points of damage.
Party Pooper 2 It deals an attack to one group for 1.3 to 1.5 times damage.
Crushed Ice 5 It deals four attacks to random enemies for about 0.5 times damage. Also, it reduces the enemy’s ice resistance.
Counter Wait 8 It enters a counterattacking stance. The user is unable to move while it is active.
Mysterious Staff Flash Kill Tension
It raises your attack power by 2 level, and then deals damage to an one enemy.


