DQ10 Offline Sage Unlock Quest – Dragon Quest X

Dragon Quest X Offline


Warning: contains spoilers

The article contains spoilers of the Dragon Quest 10 offline. This is NOT the English version.

Sage Unlock Quest

Place Dollwarm Castle
Condition Mage: Over Level 30
Priest: Over Level 30
Reward Unlock Sage
Skill up panel: Bronze

Level up priest and mage up to over level 30. And then, go to Dollwarm Castle.



  1. Enter the room at the E-2 point on the second floor in the Dollwarm castle.
  2. Talk to the man in the room.
  3. Enter the room at the E-2 point on the first floor.
  4. Talk to the lady in the room.
  5. Defeat three metro ghosts. You can find the ghost in the Juleria Underground Mines.
  6. Talk to the lady again
  7. Talk to the man again.

DQ10 Offline Sage Unlock Quest - Dragon Quest X