DQ10 Offline Forge – Dragon Quest X


Warning: contains spoilers

The article contains spoilers of the Dragon Quest 10 offline. I’ll describe the Fun-size forge. This is NOT the English version.

About Forge

どうぐ Items
ふしぎな鍛冶 Fun-size Forge

You can forge after obtaining the first key emblem. In the Dragon Quest X offline world, you cannot buy good weapons and armor. If you want them, you must forge them.

It is easy to forge something. Open the field menu. Then, choose Items and Fun-size Forge. However, if you don’t know the recipe, you cannot make it. You can find recipes on the bookshelf or buy them at recipe shops. Also, some monsters have receip books.



How to Forge

武器を作る Craft Weapon
防具を作る Craft Armor
うちなおし Recraft
鍛冶レベル Forge Level

See the above Fun-size forge menu. The forge level is your max vocation level. For example, if Hero’s warrior level is 25, the hero’s mage is 18, and the others are 1, your forge level is 25. The level is higher, the better.


Re-crafting Menu

武器 Weapons
ぜんぶ All weapons
片手剣 Sword
両手剣 Greatsword
オノ Axe
ヤリ Spear
スティック Wand
両手杖 Heavy Wand
短剣 Dagger
ムチ Whip
ツメ Claw
ハンマー Hammer
ブーメラン Boomerang

Which weapon will you craft? Choose the weapon type you want.


Crafting Armor Menu

防具 Armor
ぜんぶ All
大盾 Big shield
かぶと Helm
ぼうし Hat
ローブ Robe
よろい・からだ上 Upper Armor
服・からだ上 Upper Clothes
よろい・からだ下 Lower Armor
服・からだ下 Lower Clothes

Which armor will you craft? Choose the armor type you want.



Choose the weapon or armor you want to craft again.


Weapon Craft

Choose the weapon you want. In the above image, he doesn’t have the necessary materials, but you can buy them at this time immediately. So, I recommend you have some gold when crafting something.


たたく Strike
とくぎ Special Forging Techniques
くわしくみる Check
しあげる End Crafting
温度 Temperature

Crafting is a mini-game. You hit the part of the weapon and create the correct shape. The temperature goes down 50 Celcius and lower some focus when you choose hit or skill. In the case of the above image, the focus is 128. Before it or the temperature becomes zero, you should create the correct shape.


たたく Strike
とくぎ Special Forging Techniques
くわしくみる Check
しあげる End Crafting

Let’s strike the weapon and increase values to reach the target. 


くわしくみる Check
しあげる End Crafting
とてもいい Excellent +3
なかなかいい Very Good +2
ちょっといい Good +1
ふつうの Normal 0
ちょっとできの悪い Bad 0

If the blue bar reaches inside the green zone, check the status. If you find the excellent words, finish the game.


しあげる End Crafting
はい Yes End Crafting
いいえ No Cancel


Then, you obtain the weapon you create. The way to craft armor is the same as the weapon one. Let’s craft the weapons and armor you want.



Special Forging Techniques

Name Name Level Focus Effect
上下打ち Double-Edged Bash 10 8 A strong vertical strike over two squares
てかげん打ち Lightening Bash 12 10 Strike a single square at half strength
2倍打ち Double Whammy 17 8 A double-strength strike on a single square
火力上げ Sizzly Puff 23 10 Boosts temperature by 300 degrees
4連打ち Quadrabash 26 12 A strong strike over four squares in a 2×2 configuration
みだれ打ち Multibash 31 7 An extra-efficient ability that strikes four squares at random
3倍打ち Triple Whammy 35 11 A triple-strength strike on a single square
ねらい打ち Crackshot Bash 38 16 A strike with an increased chance of scoring a critical hit
超4連打ち Kaquadrabash 44 18 A double-strength strike over four squares in a 2×2 configuration
冷やし込み C-C-Cold Blow 46 12 Lowers the temperature by 300 degrees
ななめ打ち Crosscutter Blow 50 7 A strong strike over two diagonal squares
へパイトスの炎 Critical Hit 55 0 The next strike with a 100% chance of a critical hit
熱風おろし Woosh Bang Wallop 60 6 A strong strike on a single square that also lowers the temperature by 150 degrees