DQ10 Offline Concierge Quest – Dragon Quest X

Here’s an article for Dragon Quest X offline. I’ll explain the Concierge Quest. You can draw a lottery called Tombola. This is not English version.

Concierge Quest

  1. Level up to 15
  2. Go to the inn in each town
  3. Talk to the man next to the innkeeper
  4. Defeat She-silme outside the town
  5. Talk to the man again
岳都ガタラ Gatara
風の町アズラン Azlan
グレン城下町 Gren
オルフェアの町 Orfair
ジュレットの町 Jurret


Go to the inn in each town

Go to the inn after your level is over 15.



Talk to the man next to the inn keeper

There’s a concierge in each town.



Defeat She-silme outside the town

You can see the slime, colored orange, outside the town.