DQ5 Talon Tower Map – Dragon Quest V

DQ5 Talon Tower Map - Dragon Quest V

DQ5 Talon Tower - Dragon Quest V

DQ5 Talon Tower - Dragon Quest V

DQ5 Talon Tower - Dragon Quest V

DQ5 Talon Tower - Dragon Quest V

# Treasure Chest Memo
A Mini Medal
B 2700 Gold
C Devil armour
D Elfin elixir
E Dragon’s left eye After defeating Slon the Rook
F Dark shield
G Mimic monster
H Mini Medal
I Dragon’s right eye After defeating Bishop Ladja

RouteExit > α > 2 > 3 > 5 > 7 > 8 > δ > 9 > 10 > 15 > 17 > δ > E > 17 > 15 > 13 > ζ > I > 13 > 10 > 9 > 8 > 7 > 6 > γ > 18 > θ > η > 19 > ι

# Event
α You have to enter the tower by using a Grappling hook.
β A nun lies down on the ground.
You attach the dragon’s left eye and its right eye and then open the dragon’s mouth.
δ A lever. You can unlock the door 1 by switching it.
ε The boss “Slon the Rook"
ζ The boss “Bishop Ladja"
η You have to climb down by using a Grappling hook.
θ Dragon staff
ι Dragon orb

We cannot use Evac in this tower.