DQ5 Riteof Passage Map – Dragon Quest V

# Treasure Chest Memo
A Mini medal
B Spiked armour
C Royal Insignia
RouteExit > α > β > γ > δ > 1 > ζ > 3 > η > θ > Ι > C > Κ
# Event
α A switch. You can rotate both statues when you step on the switch. You must make them face each other.
β A switch. You can rotate both statues when you step on the switch. You must make them face each other.
γ The downstairs appears if you make all statues face each other.
δ A switch. It opens the door, and water flows down when you step it on. Move a rock not to fall into the pit (ε) and then step the switch on.
ε A pit.
ζ A switch. The way to the downstairs appears when you step it on.
η A switch. You can move the lower statue to the left and right when you step the swtich on. You must step on a left or right swtich.
θ A switch. You can move the upper statue up and down when you step the switch on. You must step on the upper swtich.
Ι A switch. You can move the upper statue to the left and right when you step the switch on. You must step on a left or right switch.
Κ Fight against Robbin’ Hood after obtaining Royal Insignia.

We cannot cast Evac in this dungeon.