DQ5 Grudgerigar – Dragon Quest V


W1arning: contains spoilers

The article contains spoilers of the Dragon Quest 5.


Grudgerigar is a recruitable monster. It can learn some useful debuff spells, but its status does not increase so much.



Place Around Abovitall Tower
Recruit rate 1/32




Attribute Starting Status Maximum Status
Level 1 20
HP 43 130
MP 5 60
Strength 54 85
Agility 27 90
Resilience 42 80
Wisdom 21 50
Luck 50 90
Exp 0 106,008
Name Resistant Rate
Sap 1
Poison 1
Snooze 4/5
Dazzle 4/5
Fizzle 1
Fuddle 1
Paralysis 1
Drain Magic 0
Stun 1
Poof 1
Kamikazee 1
Death 1
Frizz 1
Sizz 1
Crack 4/5
Woosh 1/3
Bang 4/5
Zap 1
Flame Breath 1
Ice Breath 4/5



Spell / Skill

Spell / Skill Level 
Kasap Learned
Dazzle 5
Snooze 10
Fuddle 13
Poof 15
Kabuff 17
Sheen 18
Fizzle 19
Oomph 20




Name Attack Gold Memo
Bone stake 6 10
Poison needle 1 2900 It inflicts instant death by 1/6th chance. Except for that, it damages 1 point.
Edged boomerang 25 1500 It is designed to attack all enemies.
Staff of divine wrath 35 It casts woosh in battle.
Staff of antimagic 40 When used as a tool in battle, it casts Fizzle.
Magma staff 63 When used as a tool in battle, it casts Bang.
Flametang boomerang 65 13000 It is designed to attack all enemies.
Staff of resurrection 66    
Icicle dirk 70 9000 Its damage will be multiplied by 1.5 when attacking an enemy with weak against ice-elemental attacks.
Faerie foil 85 7700 When used as a tool, it can cast Buff to one ally.
Cobra claw 90 It has a 25 percent chance of inflicting venom.




Name Defense Gold Memo
Fur cape 18 550
Iron cuirass 23 1000
Cloak of evasion 28 3000 It increases the wearer’s evasion to a 1/6.
Tortoise shell 33 2500
Legerdemantle 37 6800 It sometimes absorbs half the MP from incoming spells.
Silver cuirass 40 5000
Flowing dress 55 14800 It reduces fire-elemental damages by 25 points.
Dark robe 55 16000 It reduces Fire, Ice, Wind elemental magical damages by 20 points.




Name Defense Gold Memo




Name Defense Gold Memo
Leather hat 2 65
Pointy hat 3 70
Fur hood 11 400
Top hat 20 2000
Hermes’ hat 28 5000 It casts Zoom when used as a tool on the field.




Name Stats Gold Memo