DQ5 Flamethrower – Dragon Quest V


Warning: contains spoilers

The article contains spoilers of the Dragon Quest 5.


Flamethrower is a recruitable monster. Its Resilience does not increase so much. However, its strength increases well relatively, so it might be useful if you have a Gringham whip.



Place On the Mt Magmageddon
Around Helmunaptra
Recruit rate 1/64




Attribute Starting Status Maximum Status
Level 4 40
HP 130 450
MP 0 0
Strength 60 170
Agility 56 128
Resilience 35 52
Wisdom 20 160
Luck 15 40
Exp 4,070 1,747,141
Name Resistant Rate
Sap 4/5
Poison 1/3
Snooze 1/3
Dazzle 4/5
Fizzle 0
Fuddle 1/3
Paralysis 1/3
Drain Magic 0
Stun 1
Poof 4/5
Kamikazee 1
Death 1/3
Frizz 1/3
Sizz 1/3
Crack 1
Woosh 1
Bang 1/3
Zap 1
Flame Breath 1/3
Ice Breath 1


Spell / Skill

Spell / Skill Level 
Fire breath Learned
Flame breath 8
Burning breath 15
Inferno 30




Name Stats New Memo
Oaken staff 9 130  
Copper sword 13 270
Boomerang 15 420 It is designed to attack all enemies.
Thorn whip 18 350 It is designed to attack a group of enemies.
Stone exe 20 700
Edged boomerang 25 1500 It is designed to attack all enemies.
Chain sickle 27 900
Chain whip 28 1200 It is designed to attack a group of enemies.
Morning star 45 3000 It is designed to attack a group of enemies.
Flametang boomerang 65 13000 It is designed to attack all enemies.
Spiked steel whip 65 7400 It is designed to attack a group of enemies.
Gringham whip 100 (250,000 tokens) It is designed to attack a group of enemies.




Name Stats New Memo
Leather Kilt 12 220
Fur cape 18 550  
Cloak of evasion 28 3000 It increases the wearer’s evasion to a 1/6.
Robe of serenity 33 It reduces damages half if the wearer is asleep or paralyzed.
Legerdemantle 37 6800 It reduces fire-elemental magical damages by 15 points.
Silver cuirass 40 5000  
Dark robe 55 16000 It reduces Fire, Ice, Wind elemental magical damages by 20 points.
Flowing dress 55 14800 It reduces fire-elemental damages by 25 points.




Name Stats New Memo
Ruinous sheild
0 Cursed shield. It raises Frizz, Sizz, Crack, and Woosh by 20 damages. Also, it lowers defense to zero.
Leather shield 4 70
Scale shield
7 180
Bronze shield 11 370  
Iron shield 16 720 It reduces fire and ice-elemental damage by four.
Flame shield 40 17000 It reduces ice-elemental damage by fifteen points.




Name Stats New Memo
Leather hat 2 65
Hardwood headwear 6 120
Iron helmet 16 1100
Hermes’ hat 28 5000 It casts Zoom when used as a tool on the field.
Thinking cap 40 13000 It is designed to augment its wearer’s intelligence by fifteen points.