DQ5 Drag-goof – Dragon Quest V



Warning: contains spoilers

The article contains spoilers of the Dragon Quest 5.


Drag-goof is a recruitable monster. Its HP is high, but its defense and resistance is low. So, I can only say it’s vulnerable.



Place On the Mt Batten Pass
Around Knot Welcome Inn
Recruit rate 1/16




Attribute Starting Status Maximum Status
Level 4 40
HP 130 450
MP 0 0
Strength 83 190
Agility 43 66
Resilience 45 60
Wisdom 10 35
Luck 15 40
Exp 4070 1,747,141
Name Resistant Rate
Sap 1
Poison 4/5
Snooze 1/3
Dazzle 1/3
Fizzle 0
Fuddle 1/3
Paralysis 1/3
Drain Magic 0
Stun 1/3
Poof 1/3
Kamikazee 1/3
Death 1/3
Frizz 1
Sizz 1
Crack 4/5
Woosh 1
Bang 1
Zap 1
Flame Breath 1
Ice Breath 4/5



Spell / Skill

Spell / Skill Level 
Sweet Breath 6
Sultry Dance 7
Flame Breath 8
Burning Breath  10
Venom Mist 13
Inferno 15




Name Attack Gold Memo
Stone axe 20
Fire claw 53 4700 When used as a tool in battle, it casts Sizz. Its damage will be multiplied by 1.5 when attacking an enemy with weak against fire-elemental attacks.
Icicle dirk 70 9000 Its damage will be multiplied by 1.5 when attacking an enemy with weak against ice-elemental attacks.
Cobra claw 90 It has a 25 percent chance of inflicting venom.
Orichalcum fangs 115  




Name Defense Gold Memo
Iron cuirass 23 1000
Silver cuirass 40 5000




Name Defense Gold Memo




Name Defense Gold Memo
Poiny hat 3 70
Top hat 20 2000
Great helm 45 20000




Name Stats Gold Memo