Final Fantasy 35th Aniverssary, December 18th 2022

Final Fantasy 35th Anniversary

Final Fantasy 35th Aniverssary Today

Final Fantasy I launched on December 18th, 2022. The video game was released on various platforms at a later date. You know Final Fantasy Pixel Remaster launched last year. Final Fantasy is one of the most famous JRPGs. Like me, Final Fantasy Fans have a lot of memory of its game series.

When I played Final Fantasy I, I was moved so much. It was too exciting to get to sleep then. I often woke up late at night to play. I have a vivid memory. Especially, I like Final Fantasy V. It is better to change jobs anytime. Because of RPG games such as the Final Fantasy series, I often travel around the world. It is not fantasy, but real. I’m having fun with the game and travel. I’m happy when I find kind of fantasy stuff during the travel.

I watched the Final Fantasy special program on 13th December. It makes me want to play the Final Fantasy series again. I recommend you see the Final Fantasy website if you like its series. You might want to play Final Fantasy series during this year-end and new year’s holiday 



ColumnFinal Fantasy

Posted by Max