Mercenaries Blaze,Walkthrough

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This stage is to defeat five bandits. The reference level is three.

Deal with BanditsOld RoadThe number of ally ...

Mercenaries Blaze,Walkthrough

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Lester’s team tried to hand over the illegal immigrants, but monsters attacked on their way. The team has to pu ...

Mercenaries Blaze,Walkthrough

Mercenaries Blaze Traning Stage

You can go to this stage after chapter 1.

TrainingTraining GroundsThe number of ally’s placement

&nb ...

Mercenaries Blaze,Walkthrough

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After the opening event, you need to fight against illegal immigrants.

This stage is to get used to the game. T ...

Final Fantasy 1,Walkthrough

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Past Chaos Shrine

ATentBPotionCLeather CapDWerebusterEGold NeedleFRune BladeGDry EtherHElixirIProtect RingJProte ...