Dragon Quest 5,Walkthrough

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#Treasure ChestMemoA960 GoldBMini MedalCSeed of lifeD750 GoldEMagic waterFStaff of salvation

RouteExit 1 > 1 > α ...

Dragon Quest 5,Walkthrough

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#Treasure ChestMemoADiamond akillicsDebora can only equip this weapon.BYggdrasil leafCMini MedalDT ‘n’ T ticketESeed of ...

Dragon Quest 5,Walkthrough

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#Treasure ChestMemoAHades’ helmBMini MedalRouteExit 1 > Exit 2 #EventαA jail door. You can open it by using ultimate ...

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#Treasure ChestMemoALegerdemantleBSeed of strengthCMini medalDUrnexpectedmonsterEKamikazee bracerFMimicmonsterGChimaera ...

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#Treasure ChestMemoAMini medalBSpiked armourCRoyal InsigniaRouteExit > α > β > γ > δ > 1 > ζ > 3 &g ...