Dragon Quest 5,Walkthrough

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#Treasure ChestMemoAUrnexpectedmonsterBUrnexpectedmonsterCDark robeDOgre shieldEMini medalFDouble-edged swordGSun crownH ...

Dragon Quest 5,Walkthrough

#Treasure ChestMemoAT ‘n’ T ticketBSerf wearCCobra clawDRuinous sheildESerf wear

RouteExit > ε > δ > γ > α ...

Dragon Quest 5,Walkthrough

#Treasure ChestMemoAMini MedalB2700 GoldCDevil armourDElfin elixirEDragon’s left eyeAfter defeating Slon the RookFDark s ...

Dragon Quest 5,Walkthrough

#Treasure ChestMemoAMini MedalBElfin charmCHela’s hammerDPallium regaleTo obtain it, you seal away tiles on the floor by ...

Dragon Quest 5,Walkthrough

#Treasure ChestMemoAElfin elixirBMini MedalC1500 GoldDFaerie foilGo south after seeing the bonfire at the α point.ET ‘n’ ...