[Tactics Ogre Reborn] About Aym in the Palace of the Dead


You may have already encountered Aym in the Palace of the Dead. In this article, I’ll introduce you to the Aym the Swordmaster.


Aym is an enemy that can be encountered randomly on levels 39, 45, 81, and 89 in the Palace of the Dead. If you want to encounter him, you can try entering and exiting that floor repeatedly until he appears.

Tactics Ogre Reborn version of the game features this enemy. Defeating him on your first encounter can be challenging. He’s a tough opponent to beat on your first try. If you come across him, I’d advise retreating from the battle immediately. Note that level-sync item adjustments are not applicable in this battle. If you want to defeat him, make sure you are well prepared.



Aym Swordmaster
Lv. 60 Unknown (Undead)
Max HP 1553
Max MP 222
RT 17
STR 254
VIT 272
DEX 258
AGI 232
AVD 240
INT 234
MND 243
RES 248

Aym is a formidable swordmaster who is also capable of throwing stones. The range of stone throwing is narrow but powerful. His stats are generally high, but his HP is relatively low. His attack power increases as his HP decreases, making it important to defeat his quickly with a single strong attack. If the party is not strengthened, the damage received will exceed 1000. Additionally, be careful as he is undead and can revive after three turns, so it may be wise to have holy water on hand. It’s also worth noting that his RT is 17, meaning he can act very quickly.

The enemies accompanying Aym are also strong and formidable. They are all at level 55, and some of them have orbs that allow them to attack over a wide area. Two beastmasters equipped with blowguns can inflict petrification on your members.

The items that Aym drops include Daedalus Pinion, Daedalus Rack, and Orichalcum. However, these items can also be obtained through other ways. You might want to defeat Aym repeatedly and retreat the battle to obtain these items.


How to defeat him

First, select some members of your team to act as decoys. These decoys will draw and withstand the attacks of Aym and the other enemies. The remaining team members should use Summoning Magic II and other high-powered attacks to defeat him. Remember, Aym’s attack power increases as its HP decreases, so do not attack it halfway. Instead, try to defeat him all at once. Don’t forget to bring holy water.

By the way, if you raise your stats to the levels shown in the image above, you can defeat Aym by himself. However, this requires a lot of charms and is not recommended.



Aym is a formidable enemy that can be encountered on levels 39, 45, 81, and 89 in the Palace of the Dead. As a skilled swordmaster, he can throw powerful stones to your units, but his low HP makes his vulnerable. It’s highly recommended to defeat him swiftly and decisively.

In the Palace of the Dead, there are two formidable enemies named Aym and Allocer. Aym is easier to defeat than Allocer. If you want to obtain items, defeat Aym and use holy water to get it before retreating. However, keep in mind that you won’t receive a title even if you defeat Aym. Best of luck to you in your battles.