DQ5 Walking corpse – Dragon Quest V

DQ5 Walking corpse - Dragon Quest V


Warning: contains spoilers

The article contains spoilers of the Dragon Quest 5.

Walking corpse

Walking corpse is a recruitable monster. There are the other strong points except HP.



Place In the Whealbrook cave
Recruit rate 1/32




Attribute Starting Status Maximum Status
Level 1 30
HP 90 290
MP 0 0
Strength 58 99
Agility 10 35
Resilience 8 30
Wisdom 10 50
Luck 0 11
Exp 0 196,698
Name Resistant Rate
Sap 0
Poison 0
Snooze 1
Dazzle 1
Fizzle 0
Fuddle 0
Paralysis 0
Drain Magic 0
Stun 1
Poof 1
Kamikazee 1
Death 0
Frizz 1
Sizz 1
Crack 1
Woosh 1
Bang 1
Zap 1
Flame Breath 1
Ice Breath 1



Spell / Skill

Spell / Skill Level 
Poison Attack Learned
Tongue Lashing Learned
Cool Breath 10
Sultry Dance 15
Poison Breath 20
Venom Mist 25




Name Attack Gold Memo
Cypress stick 2 10
Bamboo spear 5 50
Orken club 9 60
Saw blade 27 1200
Serpent sword 42 3900  
Dream blade 65 6300 It has a 25 percent chance of putting enemies to sleep per slash.
Icicle dirk 70 9000 Its damage will be multiplied by 1.5 when attacking an enemy with weak against ice-elemental attacks.
Ionospear 85 13500 When used as a tool, it can cast Zap.
Demon spear 99 25000 It inflicts instant death by 1/6th chance.
Hell sabre 120 —




Name Defense Gold Memo
Plain clothes 4 30
Wayfarer’s clothes 7 70
Leather armour 11 180
Scale armour 15 350
Zombie mail 38 –
Blood mail 45 – It sometimes reflects 1/4th damage.
Devil armour 65 –




Name Defense Gold Memo
Pot lid 2 40  
Leather shield 4 70  
Scale shield 7 180  
Bronze shield 11 370  
Dark shield 37 – When used as a tool during a battle, it casts Absorb Magic.
Metal king shield 70 –
(50 Mini Medals)
It reduces the accuracy of Snooze, Dazzle, Fuddle, and instant death.




Name Defense Gold Memo
Leather hat 2 65
Hardwood headwear 6 120
Iron helmet 16 1100
Iron mask 25 3500
Hades’ helm 30 –  
Thinking cap 40 13000 It is designed to augment its wearer’s intelligence by fifteen points.
Metal king helm 70 – Treasure chest in Mt. Zugzwang




Name Stats Gold Memo
– – –