Mercenaries Blaze,Walkthrough

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We cannot afford to lose this battle with Folks.

Chapter 21ResultsReference Lv.38Reward3000G


Walkthrou ...

Mercenaries Blaze,Walkthrough

Train the Earth Fangs to be strong.

Teamwork IIIEarth Fang HQReference Lv37The number of ally’s placement

Mercenaries Blaze,Walkthrough

Lester’s objection is to cature Minister Folks.

Chapter 20Weza FortressReference Lv.36Reward3000G


Mercenaries Blaze,Walkthrough

Unicorn gets surrounded by monsters.

Holy MountKemi PlainsReference Lv35The number of ally’s placement
6 ...

Mercenaries Blaze,Walkthrough

Lester stops the plan of Minister Folks.

Chapter 19RaidReference Lv.34Reward2500G



It is ...